Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- calls : MDBX_commit_latency.gc_prof.pnl_merge_self, MDBX_commit_latency.gc_prof.pnl_merge_work
- canary : mdbx::txn
- capacity() : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >, mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::silo::bin
- capacity_bytes_ : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::silo::bin::allocated
- caption : MDBX_chk_issue_t
- capture() : mdbx::exception_thunk
- char_ptr() : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >, mdbx::slice
- chars() : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >, mdbx::slice
- check_break : MDBX_chk_callbacks_t
- check_readers() : mdbx::env
- clear() : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >, mdbx::slice
- clear_and_reserve() : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >
- clear_map() : mdbx::txn
- clone() : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >, mdbx::cursor, MDBX_envinfo.mi_pgop_stat
- close() : mdbx::cursor_managed, mdbx::env_managed
- close_all_cursors() : mdbx::txn
- close_map() : mdbx::env
- coalesce : mdbx::env::reclaiming_options
- coalescences : MDBX_commit_latency.gc_prof
- code() : mdbx::error
- commit() : mdbx::txn_managed, MDBX_version_info.git
- commit_embark_read() : mdbx::txn_managed
- commit_get_latency() : mdbx::txn_managed
- commit_latency : mdbx::txn_managed
- compare_fast() : mdbx::pair, mdbx::slice
- compare_keys() : mdbx::txn
- compare_lexicographically() : mdbx::pair, mdbx::slice
- compare_position : mdbx::cursor
- compare_position_nothrow : mdbx::cursor
- compare_values() : mdbx::txn
- compiler : MDBX_build_info
- cookie : MDBX_chk_table_t
- copy() : mdbx::env
- copy_assign_alloc : mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >
- count : MDBX_chk_histogram.ranges, MDBX_chk_histogram, MDBX_chk_issue_t
- count_multivalue() : mdbx::cursor
- cow : MDBX_envinfo.mi_pgop_stat
- create_map() : mdbx::txn
- create_parameters() : mdbx::env_managed::create_parameters
- ctx : MDBX_chk_line_t
- current() : mdbx::cursor, MDBX_envinfo.mi_bootid, MDBX_envinfo.mi_geo
- cursor() : mdbx::cursor, mdbx::txn
- cursor_managed() : mdbx::cursor_managed