libmdbx (2025-02-17T15:01:57+03:00)
One of the fastest compact embeddable key-value ACID storage engine without WAL.
No Matches


 exceptions and errors
 slices and buffers


namespace  mdbx
 The libmdbx C++ API namespace.
namespace  std
 STL namespace.


class  mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >
 The chunk of data stored inside the buffer or located outside it. More...
struct  mdbx::map_handle
 A handle for an individual table (aka key-value space, maps or sub-database) in the environment. More...
class  mdbx::env
 Unmanaged database environment. More...
class  mdbx::env_managed
 Managed database environment. More...
class  mdbx::txn
 Unmanaged database transaction. More...
class  mdbx::txn_managed
 Managed database transaction. More...
class  mdbx::cursor
 Unmanaged cursor. More...
class  mdbx::cursor_managed
 Managed cursor. More...
struct  std::hash<::mdbx::slice >


#define MDBX_STD_FILESYSTEM_PATH   ::mdbx::filesystem::path
 Defined if mdbx::filesystem::path is available.


using mdbx::byte = char8_t
using mdbx::version_info = ::MDBX_version_info
 libmdbx version information,
using mdbx::build_info = ::MDBX_build_info
 libmdbx build information
using mdbx::legacy_allocator = ::std::string::allocator_type
 Legacy allocator but it is recommended to use polymorphic_allocator.
using mdbx::polymorphic_allocator = ::std::pmr::string::allocator_type
 Default polymorphic allocator for modern code.
using mdbx::default_allocator = polymorphic_allocator
using mdbx::default_buffer = buffer<default_allocator, default_capacity_policy>
 Default buffer.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator>
using mdbx::string = ::std::basic_string<char, ::std::char_traits<char>, ALLOCATOR>
 Default single-byte string.
using mdbx::filehandle = ::mdbx_filehandle_t
using mdbx::path = ::mdbx::filesystem::path
using mdbx::duration = ::std::chrono::duration<unsigned, ::std::ratio<1, 65536>>
 Duration in 1/65536 units of second.
using mdbx::comparator = ::MDBX_cmp_func *


enum  mdbx::loop_control { mdbx::continue_loop = 0 , mdbx::exit_loop = INT32_MIN }
 Loop control constants for readers enumeration functor and other cases. More...
enum class  mdbx::key_mode { mdbx::key_mode::usual = MDBX_DB_DEFAULTS , mdbx::key_mode::reverse = MDBX_REVERSEKEY , mdbx::key_mode::ordinal = MDBX_INTEGERKEY , mdbx::key_mode::msgpack = -1 }
 Kinds of the keys and corresponding modes of comparing it. More...
enum class  mdbx::value_mode {
  mdbx::value_mode::single = MDBX_DB_DEFAULTS , mdbx::value_mode::multi = MDBX_DUPSORT , mdbx::value_mode::multi_reverse = MDBX_DUPSORT | MDBX_REVERSEDUP , mdbx::value_mode::multi_samelength = MDBX_DUPSORT | MDBX_DUPFIXED ,
  mdbx::value_mode::multi_ordinal = MDBX_DUPSORT | MDBX_DUPFIXED | MDBX_INTEGERDUP , mdbx::value_mode::multi_reverse_samelength , mdbx::value_mode::msgpack = -1
 Kind of the values and sorted multi-values with corresponding comparison. More...
enum  mdbx::put_mode { mdbx::insert_unique = MDBX_NOOVERWRITE , mdbx::upsert = MDBX_UPSERT , mdbx::update = MDBX_CURRENT }
 Key-value pairs put mode. More...


MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const version_infomdbx::get_version () noexcept
 Returns libmdbx version information.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const build_infomdbx::get_build () noexcept
 Returns libmdbx build information.
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_usual (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_ordinal (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_samelength (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_reverse (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_msgpack (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_usual (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_multi (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_ordinal (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_samelength (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_reverse (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_msgpack (value_mode mode) noexcept
comparator mdbx::default_comparator (key_mode mode) noexcept
comparator mdbx::default_comparator (value_mode mode) noexcept
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const slice &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const pair &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const pair_result &)
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
inline ::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &out, const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > &it)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::geometry::size &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::geometry &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::operate_parameters &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::mode &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::durability &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::reclaiming_options &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::operate_options &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env_managed::create_parameters &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const MDBX_log_level_t &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const MDBX_debug_flags_t &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &, const error &)
inline ::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< (::std::ostream &out, const MDBX_error_t &errcode)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== (const error &a, const error &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= (const error &a, const error &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator< (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator> (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator<= (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator>= (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator< (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator> (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator<= (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator>= (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== (const env &a, const env &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= (const env &a, const env &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== (const txn &a, const txn &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= (const txn &a, const txn &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== (const cursor &a, const cursor &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= (const cursor &a, const cursor &b)
int mdbx::compare_position_nothrow (const cursor &left, const cursor &right, bool ignore_nested=false)
int mdbx::compare_position (const cursor &left, const cursor &right, bool ignore_nested=false)
ptrdiff_t mdbx::estimate (const cursor &from, const cursor &to)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::slice &value)
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > &buffer)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::pair &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::env::geometry &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::env::operate_parameters &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::env::mode &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::env::durability &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::env::reclaiming_options &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::env::operate_options &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::env_managed::create_parameters &value)
string std::to_string (const ::MDBX_log_level_t &value)
string std::to_string (const ::MDBX_debug_flags_t &value)
string std::to_string (const ::mdbx::error &value)
string std::to_string (const ::MDBX_error_t &errcode)
bool mdbx::exception_thunk::is_clean () const noexcept
void mdbx::exception_thunk::capture () noexcept
void mdbx::exception_thunk::rethrow_captured () const
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::error::error (MDBX_error_t error_code) noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_success () const noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_result_true () const noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_result_false () const noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_failure () const noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR MDBX_error_t mdbx::error::code () const noexcept
 Returns error code.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_mdbx_error () const noexcept
 Returns true for MDBX's errors.
static void mdbx::error::throw_exception (int error_code)
void mdbx::error::throw_on_failure () const
void mdbx::error::success_or_throw () const
void mdbx::error::success_or_throw (const exception_thunk &) const
void mdbx::error::panic_on_failure (const char *context_where, const char *func_who) const noexcept
void mdbx::error::success_or_panic (const char *context_where, const char *func_who) const noexcept
static void mdbx::error::throw_on_nullptr (const void *ptr, MDBX_error_t error_code)
static void mdbx::error::throw_on_failure (int error_code)
static void mdbx::error::success_or_throw (MDBX_error_t error_code)
static bool mdbx::error::boolean_or_throw (int error_code)
static void mdbx::error::success_or_throw (int error_code, const exception_thunk &)
static void mdbx::error::panic_on_failure (int error_code, const char *context_where, const char *func_who) noexcept
static void mdbx::error::success_or_panic (int error_code, const char *context_where, const char *func_who) noexcept
static bool mdbx::error::boolean_or_throw (int error_code, const exception_thunk &)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice () noexcept
 Create an empty slice.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice (const void *ptr, size_t bytes)
 Create a slice that refers to [0,bytes-1] of memory bytes pointed by ptr.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice (const void *begin, const void *end)
 Create a slice that refers to [begin,end] of memory bytes.
constexpr mdbx::slice::slice (const char *c_str)
 Create a slice that refers to c_str[0,strlen(c_str)-1].
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice (const MDBX_val &src)
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice (MDBX_val &&src)
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice (slice &&src) noexcept
slicemdbx::slice::assign (const void *ptr, size_t bytes)
slicemdbx::slice::assign (const slice &src) noexcept
slicemdbx::slice::assign (const ::MDBX_val &src)
slicemdbx::slice::assign (slice &&src) noexcept
slicemdbx::slice::assign (::MDBX_val &&src)
slicemdbx::slice::assign (const void *begin, const void *end)
slicemdbx::slice::assign (const char *c_str)
slicemdbx::slice::operator= (slice &&src) noexcept
slicemdbx::slice::operator= (::MDBX_val &&src)
void mdbx::slice::swap (slice &other) noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const bytemdbx::slice::byte_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to byte an address of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const bytemdbx::slice::end_byte_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to byte an end of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bytemdbx::slice::byte_ptr () noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bytemdbx::slice::end_byte_ptr () noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * mdbx::slice::char_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to char an address of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * mdbx::slice::end_char_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to char an end of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * mdbx::slice::char_ptr () noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * mdbx::slice::end_char_ptr () noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * mdbx::slice::data () const noexcept
 Return a pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * mdbx::slice::end () const noexcept
 Return a pointer to the ending of the referenced data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * mdbx::slice::data () noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * mdbx::slice::end () noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR size_t mdbx::slice::length () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slicemdbx::slice::set_length (size_t bytes)
 Set slice length.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slicemdbx::slice::set_end (const void *ptr)
 Sets the length by specifying the end of the slice data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::empty () const noexcept
 Checks whether the slice is empty.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::is_null () const noexcept
 Checks whether the slice data pointer is nullptr.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR size_t mdbx::slice::size () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void mdbx::slice::invalidate () noexcept
 Depletes content of slice and make it invalid.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void mdbx::slice::clear () noexcept
 Makes the slice empty and referencing to nothing.
void mdbx::slice::remove_prefix (size_t n) noexcept
 Drops the first "n" bytes from this slice.
void mdbx::slice::safe_remove_prefix (size_t n)
 Drops the first "n" bytes from this slice.
void mdbx::slice::remove_suffix (size_t n) noexcept
 Drops the last "n" bytes from this slice.
void mdbx::slice::safe_remove_suffix (size_t n)
 Drops the last "n" bytes from this slice.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::starts_with (const slice &prefix) const noexcept
 Checks if the data starts with the given prefix.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::ends_with (const slice &suffix) const noexcept
 Checks if the data ends with the given suffix.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_t mdbx::slice::hash_value () const noexcept
 Returns the hash value of referenced data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte mdbx::slice::operator[] (size_t n) const noexcept
 Returns the nth byte in the referenced data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte mdbx::slice::at (size_t n) const
 Returns the nth byte in the referenced data with bounds checking.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::head (size_t n) const noexcept
 Returns the first "n" bytes of the slice.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::tail (size_t n) const noexcept
 Returns the last "n" bytes of the slice.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::middle (size_t from, size_t n) const noexcept
 Returns the middle "n" bytes of the slice.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::safe_head (size_t n) const
 Returns the first "n" bytes of the slice.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::safe_tail (size_t n) const
 Returns the last "n" bytes of the slice.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::safe_middle (size_t from, size_t n) const
 Returns the middle "n" bytes of the slice.
static MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::slice::compare_fast (const slice &a, const slice &b) noexcept
 Three-way fast non-lexicographically length-based comparison.
static MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::slice::compare_lexicographically (const slice &a, const slice &b) noexcept
 Three-way lexicographically comparison.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator>
string< ALLOCATOR > mdbx::slice::as_hex_string (bool uppercase=false, unsigned wrap_width=0, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Returns a string with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator>
string< ALLOCATOR > mdbx::slice::as_base58_string (unsigned wrap_width=0, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Returns a string with a Base58 dump of the slice content.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator>
string< ALLOCATOR > mdbx::slice::as_base64_string (unsigned wrap_width=0, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Returns a string with a Base58 dump of the slice content.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, class CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::encode_hex (bool uppercase=false, unsigned wrap_width=0, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Returns a buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, class CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::encode_base58 (unsigned wrap_width=0, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Returns a buffer with a Base58 dump of the slice content.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, class CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::encode_base64 (unsigned wrap_width=0, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Returns a buffer with a Base64 dump of the slice content.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, class CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::hex_decode (bool ignore_spaces=false, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Decodes hexadecimal dump from the slice content to returned buffer.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, class CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::base58_decode (bool ignore_spaces=false, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Decodes Base58 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, class CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::base64_decode (bool ignore_spaces=false, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR()) const
 Decodes Base64 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::slice::is_hex (bool ignore_spaces=false) const noexcept
 Checks whether the content of the slice is a hexadecimal dump.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::slice::is_base58 (bool ignore_spaces=false) const noexcept
 Checks whether the content of the slice is a Base58 dump.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::slice::is_base64 (bool ignore_spaces=false) const noexcept
 Checks whether the content of the slice is a Base64 dump.
static MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::pair::compare_fast (const pair &a, const pair &b) noexcept
 Three-way fast non-lexicographically length-based comparison.
static MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::pair::compare_lexicographically (const pair &a, const pair &b) noexcept
 Three-way lexicographically comparison.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
 mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer (const txn &txn, const struct slice &src, const allocator_type &allocator)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::map_handle::info::info (map_handle::flags flags, map_handle::state state) noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR_ENUM mdbx::key_mode mdbx::map_handle::info::key_mode () const noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR_ENUM mdbx::value_mode mdbx::map_handle::info::value_mode () const noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::env (MDBX_env *ptr) noexcept
envmdbx::env::operator= (env &&other) noexcept
 mdbx::env::env (env &&other) noexcept
 mdbx::env::~env () noexcept
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::operator const MDBX_env * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::operator MDBX_env * ()
geometrymdbx::env::geometry::make_fixed (intptr_t size) noexcept
geometrymdbx::env::geometry::make_dynamic (intptr_t lower=default_value, intptr_t upper=default_value) noexcept
static env::reclaiming_options mdbx::env::operate_parameters::reclaiming_from_flags (MDBX_env_flags_t flags) noexcept
static env::operate_options mdbx::env::operate_parameters::options_from_flags (MDBX_env_flags_t flags) noexcept
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::pagesize_min () noexcept
 Returns the minimal database page size in bytes.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::pagesize_max () noexcept
 Returns the maximal database page size in bytes.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::dbsize_min (intptr_t pagesize)
 Returns the minimal database size in bytes for specified page size.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::dbsize_max (intptr_t pagesize)
 Returns the maximal database size in bytes for specified page size.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_min (MDBX_db_flags_t flags) noexcept
 Returns the minimal key size in bytes for specified table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_min (key_mode mode) noexcept
 Returns the minimal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max (intptr_t pagesize, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns the maximal key size in bytes for specified page size and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max (intptr_t pagesize, key_mode mode)
 Returns the maximal key size in bytes for specified page size and keys mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max (const env &, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns the maximal key size in bytes for given environment and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max (const env &, key_mode mode)
 Returns the maximal key size in bytes for given environment and keys mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_min (MDBX_db_flags_t flags) noexcept
 Returns the minimal values size in bytes for specified table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_min (value_mode) noexcept
 Returns the minimal values size in bytes for specified values mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max (intptr_t pagesize, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified page size and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max (intptr_t pagesize, value_mode)
 Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified page size and values mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max (const env &, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns the maximal value size in bytes for given environment and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max (const env &, value_mode)
 Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified page size and values mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max (intptr_t pagesize, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for specified size and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max (intptr_t pagesize, value_mode)
 Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for specified page size and values mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max (const env &, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for given environment and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max (const env &, value_mode)
 Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for specified page size and values mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max (intptr_t pagesize, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for specified size and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max (intptr_t pagesize, value_mode)
 Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for specified page size and values mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max (const env &, MDBX_db_flags_t flags)
 Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for given environment and table flags.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max (const env &, value_mode)
 Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for specified page size and values mode.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::transaction_size_max (intptr_t pagesize)
 Returns the maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes for specified page size.
static size_t mdbx::env::limits::max_map_handles (void)
 Returns the maximum opened map handles, aka DBI-handles.
env::operate_parameters mdbx::env::get_operation_parameters () const
 Returns current operation parameters.
env::mode mdbx::env::get_mode () const
 Returns current operation mode.
env::durability mdbx::env::get_durability () const
 Returns current durability mode.
env::reclaiming_options mdbx::env::get_reclaiming () const
 Returns current reclaiming options.
env::operate_options mdbx::env::get_options () const
 Returns current operate options.
stat mdbx::env::get_stat () const
 Returns snapshot statistics about the MDBX environment.
stat mdbx::env::get_stat (const txn &) const
 Return statistics about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.
info mdbx::env::get_info () const
 Return snapshot information about the MDBX environment.
info mdbx::env::get_info (const txn &) const
 Return information about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.
filehandle mdbx::env::get_filehandle () const
 Returns the file descriptor for the DXB file of MDBX environment.
MDBX_env_flags_t mdbx::env::get_flags () const
 Returns environment flags.
unsigned mdbx::env::max_readers () const
 Returns the maximum number of threads/reader slots for the environment.
unsigned mdbx::env::max_maps () const
 Returns the maximum number of named tables for the environment.
void * mdbx::env::get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the environment.
envmdbx::env::set_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the environment.
envmdbx::env::set_sync_threshold (size_t bytes)
 Sets threshold to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
size_t mdbx::env::sync_threshold () const
 Gets threshold used to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
envmdbx::env::set_sync_period__seconds_16dot16 (unsigned seconds_16dot16)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
unsigned mdbx::env::sync_period__seconds_16dot16 () const
 Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.
envmdbx::env::set_sync_period__seconds_double (double seconds)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
double mdbx::env::sync_period__seconds_double () const
 Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.
envmdbx::env::set_extra_option (extra_runtime_option option, uint64_t value)
 Sets the value of a extra runtime options for an environment.
uint64_t mdbx::env::extra_option (extra_runtime_option option) const
 Gets the value of extra runtime options from an environment.
envmdbx::env::alter_flags (MDBX_env_flags_t flags, bool on_off)
 Alter environment flags.
envmdbx::env::set_geometry (const geometry &size)
 Set all size-related parameters of environment.
bool mdbx::env::sync_to_disk (bool force=true, bool nonblock=false)
 Flush the environment data buffers.
void mdbx::env::close_map (const map_handle &)
 Close a key-value map (aka table) handle. Normally unnecessary.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::reader_info::reader_info (int slot, mdbx_pid_t pid, mdbx_tid_t thread, uint64_t txnid, uint64_t lag, size_t used, size_t retained) noexcept
template<typename VISITOR>
int mdbx::env::enumerate_readers (VISITOR &visitor)
 Enumerate readers.
unsigned mdbx::env::check_readers ()
 Checks for stale readers in the lock table and return number of cleared slots.
envmdbx::env::set_HandleSlowReaders (MDBX_hsr_func *)
 Sets a Handle-Slow-Readers callback to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.
MDBX_hsr_funcmdbx::env::get_HandleSlowReaders () const noexcept
 Returns the current Handle-Slow-Readers callback used to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.
txn_managed mdbx::env::start_read () const
 Starts read (read-only) transaction.
txn_managed mdbx::env::prepare_read () const
 Creates but not start read transaction.
txn_managed mdbx::env::start_write (bool dont_wait=false)
 Starts write (read-write) transaction.
txn_managed mdbx::env::start_write (txn &parent)
 Starts write (read-write) transaction.
txn_managed mdbx::env::try_start_write ()
 Tries to start write (read-write) transaction without blocking.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn::txn (MDBX_txn *ptr) noexcept
txnmdbx::txn::operator= (txn &&other) noexcept
 mdbx::txn::txn (txn &&other) noexcept
 mdbx::txn::~txn () noexcept
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn::operator const MDBX_txn * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn::operator MDBX_txn * ()
void * mdbx::txn::get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the transaction.
txnmdbx::txn::set_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the transaction.
bool mdbx::txn::is_dirty (const void *ptr) const
 Checks whether the given data is on a dirty page.
inline ::mdbx::env mdbx::txn::env () const noexcept
 Returns the transaction's environment.
MDBX_txn_flags_t mdbx::txn::flags () const
 Returns transaction's flags.
uint64_t mdbx::txn::id () const
 Return the transaction's ID.
void mdbx::txn::reset_reading ()
 Reset read-only transaction.
void mdbx::txn::make_broken ()
 Marks transaction as broken to prevent further operations.
void mdbx::txn::renew_reading ()
 Renew read-only transaction.
void mdbx::txn::park_reading (bool autounpark=true)
 Park read-only transaction.
bool mdbx::txn::unpark_reading (bool restart_if_ousted=true)
 Resume parked read-only transaction.
info mdbx::txn::get_info (bool scan_reader_lock_table=false) const
 Returns information about the MDBX transaction.
cursor_managed mdbx::txn::open_cursor (map_handle map) const
 Opens cursor for specified key-value map handle.
size_t mdbx::txn::release_all_cursors (bool unbind) const
 Unbind or close all cursors.
map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map (const char *name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map_accede (const ::mdbx::slice &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map_accede (const char *name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle mdbx::txn::create_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
map_handle mdbx::txn::create_map (const char *name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
void mdbx::txn::drop_map (map_handle map)
 Drops key-value map using handle.
void mdbx::txn::clear_map (map_handle map)
 Clear key-value map.
void mdbx::txn::rename_map (map_handle map, const char *new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
void mdbx::txn::rename_map (map_handle map, const ::mdbx::slice &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map (const ::std::string &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map_accede (const ::std::string &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle mdbx::txn::create_map (const ::std::string &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
bool mdbx::txn::drop_map (const ::std::string &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drop key-value map.
bool mdbx::txn::clear_map (const ::std::string &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
void mdbx::txn::rename_map (map_handle map, const ::std::string &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
map_stat mdbx::txn::get_map_stat (map_handle map) const
 Returns statistics for a table.
uint32_t mdbx::txn::get_tree_deepmask (map_handle map) const
 Returns depth (bitmask) information of nested dupsort (multi-value) B+trees for given table.
map_handle::info mdbx::txn::get_handle_info (map_handle map) const
 Returns information about key-value map (aka table) handle.
txnmdbx::txn::put_canary (const canary &)
 Set integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.
canary mdbx::txn::get_canary () const
 Returns fours integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.
uint64_t mdbx::txn::sequence (map_handle map) const
uint64_t mdbx::txn::sequence (map_handle map, uint64_t increment)
 Reads and increment sequence generator associated with a key-value map (aka table).
int mdbx::txn::compare_keys (map_handle map, const slice &a, const slice &b) const noexcept
 Compare two keys according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int mdbx::txn::compare_values (map_handle map, const slice &a, const slice &b) const noexcept
 Compare two values according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int mdbx::txn::compare_keys (map_handle map, const pair &a, const pair &b) const noexcept
 Compare keys of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int mdbx::txn::compare_values (map_handle map, const pair &a, const pair &b) const noexcept
 Compare values of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
slice mdbx::txn::get (map_handle map, const slice &key) const
 Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).
slice mdbx::txn::get (map_handle map, slice key, size_t &values_count) const
 Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).
slice mdbx::txn::get (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).
slice mdbx::txn::get (map_handle map, slice key, size_t &values_count, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).
pair_result mdbx::txn::get_equal_or_great (map_handle map, const slice &key) const
 Get value for equal or great key from a table.
pair_result mdbx::txn::get_equal_or_great (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get value for equal or great key from a table.
MDBX_error_t mdbx::txn::put (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice *value, MDBX_put_flags_t flags) noexcept
void mdbx::txn::put (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value, put_mode mode)
void mdbx::txn::insert (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value)
value_result mdbx::txn::try_insert (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value)
slice mdbx::txn::insert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result mdbx::txn::try_insert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void mdbx::txn::upsert (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice mdbx::txn::upsert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void mdbx::txn::update (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
bool mdbx::txn::try_update (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice mdbx::txn::update_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result mdbx::txn::try_update_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
bool mdbx::txn::erase (map_handle map, const slice &key)
 Removes all values for given key.
bool mdbx::txn::erase (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
 Removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.
void mdbx::txn::replace (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice old_value, const slice &new_value)
 Replaces the particular multi-value of the key with a new value.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::txn::extract (map_handle map, const slice &key, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
 Removes and return a value of the key.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::txn::replace (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &new_value, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
 Replaces and returns a value of the key with new one.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::txn::replace_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice &new_value, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
void mdbx::txn::append (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value, bool multivalue_order_preserved=true)
 Adding a key-value pair, provided that ascending order of the keys and (optionally) values are preserved.
size_t mdbx::txn::put_multiple_samelength (map_handle map, const slice &key, const size_t value_length, const void *values_array, size_t values_count, put_mode mode, bool allow_partial=false)
ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate (map_handle map, const pair &from, const pair &to) const
ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate (map_handle map, const slice &from, const slice &to) const
ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate_from_first (map_handle map, const slice &to) const
ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate_to_last (map_handle map, const slice &from) const
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::cursor::cursor (MDBX_cursor *ptr) noexcept
cursor_managed mdbx::cursor::clone (void *your_context=nullptr) const
void * mdbx::cursor::get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the cursor.
cursormdbx::cursor::set_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the cursor.
cursormdbx::cursor::operator= (cursor &&other) noexcept
 mdbx::cursor::cursor (cursor &&other) noexcept
 mdbx::cursor::~cursor () noexcept
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::cursor::operator const MDBX_cursor * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::cursor::operator MDBX_cursor * ()
 mdbx::cursor::move_result::move_result (const cursor &cursor, bool throw_notfound)
 mdbx::cursor::move_result::move_result (cursor &cursor, move_operation operation, const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound)
bool mdbx::cursor::move (move_operation operation, MDBX_val *key, MDBX_val *value, bool throw_notfound) const
 mdbx::cursor::estimate_result::estimate_result (const cursor &cursor, move_operation operation, const slice &key, const slice &value)
ptrdiff_t mdbx::cursor::estimate (move_operation operation, MDBX_val *key, MDBX_val *value) const
move_result mdbx::cursor::find (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result mdbx::cursor::lower_bound (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result mdbx::cursor::upper_bound (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result mdbx::cursor::find_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result mdbx::cursor::lower_bound_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result mdbx::cursor::upper_bound_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=false)
bool mdbx::cursor::seek (const slice &key)
size_t mdbx::cursor::count_multivalue () const
 Return count of duplicates for current key.
bool mdbx::cursor::eof () const
bool mdbx::cursor::on_first () const
bool mdbx::cursor::on_last () const
bool mdbx::cursor::on_first_multival () const
bool mdbx::cursor::on_last_multival () const
estimate_result mdbx::cursor::estimate (const slice &key, const slice &value) const
estimate_result mdbx::cursor::estimate (const slice &key) const
estimate_result mdbx::cursor::estimate (move_operation operation) const
void mdbx::cursor::renew (const ::mdbx::txn &txn)
 Renew/bind a cursor with a new transaction and previously used key-value map handle.
void mdbx::cursor::bind (const ::mdbx::txn &txn, ::mdbx::map_handle map_handle)
 Bind/renew a cursor with a new transaction and specified key-value map handle.
void mdbx::cursor::unbind ()
 Unbind cursor from a transaction.
inline ::mdbx::txn mdbx::cursor::txn () const
 Returns the cursor's transaction.
map_handle mdbx::cursor::map () const
MDBX_error_t mdbx::cursor::put (const slice &key, slice *value, MDBX_put_flags_t flags) noexcept
void mdbx::cursor::put (const slice &key, slice value, put_mode mode)
void mdbx::cursor::insert (const slice &key, slice value)
value_result mdbx::cursor::try_insert (const slice &key, slice value)
slice mdbx::cursor::insert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result mdbx::cursor::try_insert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void mdbx::cursor::upsert (const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice mdbx::cursor::upsert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void mdbx::cursor::update (const slice &key, const slice &value)
bool mdbx::cursor::try_update (const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice mdbx::cursor::update_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result mdbx::cursor::try_update_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
bool mdbx::cursor::erase (bool whole_multivalue=false)
 Removes single key-value pair or all multi-values at the current cursor position.
bool mdbx::cursor::erase (const slice &key, bool whole_multivalue=true)
 Seeks and removes first value or whole multi-value of the given key.
bool mdbx::cursor::erase (const slice &key, const slice &value)
 Seeks and removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.

Detailed Description

Class Documentation

◆ mdbx::buffer

class mdbx::buffer
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
class mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >

The chunk of data stored inside the buffer or located outside it.

Public Types

enum  : size_t { max_length = MDBX_MAXDATASIZE , max_capacity = (max_length / 3u * 4u + 1023u) & ~size_t(1023) , extra_inplace_storage = reservation_policy::extra_inplace_storage , pettiness_threshold = reservation_policy::pettiness_threshold }
using allocator_type = typename ::std::allocator_traits<ALLOCATOR>::template rebind_alloc<uint64_t>
using allocator_traits = ::std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>
using reservation_policy = CAPACITY_POLICY
using move_assign_alloc = allocation_aware_details::move_assign_alloc<silo, allocator_type>
using copy_assign_alloc = allocation_aware_details::copy_assign_alloc<silo, allocator_type>

Public Member Functions

constexpr allocator_type get_allocator () const
 Returns the associated allocator.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr bool is_freestanding () const noexcept
 Checks whether data chunk stored inside the buffer, otherwise buffer just refers to data located outside the buffer.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr bool is_reference () const noexcept
 Checks whether the buffer just refers to data located outside the buffer, rather than stores it.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t capacity () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes that can be held in currently allocated storage.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t headroom () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes that available in currently allocated storage ahead the currently beginning of data.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t tailroom () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes that available in currently allocated storage after the currently data end.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const bytebyte_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to const pointer to byte an address of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const byteend_byte_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to const pointer to byte an end of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bytebyte_ptr () noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to byte an address of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byteend_byte_ptr () noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to byte an end of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * char_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to const pointer to char an address of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * end_char_ptr () const noexcept
 Returns casted to const pointer to char an end of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * char_ptr () noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to char an address of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * end_char_ptr () noexcept
 Returns casted to pointer to char an end of data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * data () const noexcept
 Return a const pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * end () const noexcept
 Return a const pointer to the end of the referenced data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * data () noexcept
 Return a pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * end () noexcept
 Return a pointer to the end of the referenced data.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_t length () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bufferset_length (size_t bytes)
 Set length of data.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bufferset_end (const void *ptr)
 Sets the length by specifying the end of the data.
void make_freestanding ()
 Makes buffer owning the data.
constexpr buffer () noexcept=default
constexpr buffer (const allocator_type &allocator) noexcept
 buffer (const struct slice &src, bool make_reference, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (const buffer &src, bool make_reference, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (const void *ptr, size_t bytes, bool make_reference, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
 buffer (const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > &)=delete
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
 buffer (const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > &&)=delete
 buffer (const char *c_str, bool make_reference, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
template<class CHAR, class T>
 buffer (const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > &view, bool make_reference, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
constexpr buffer (const struct slice &src, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
constexpr buffer (const buffer &src, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
constexpr buffer (const void *ptr, size_t bytes, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
constexpr buffer (const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > &str, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
constexpr buffer (const char *c_str, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
template<class CHAR, class T>
constexpr buffer (const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > &view, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (size_t head_room, size_t tail_room, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (size_t capacity, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (size_t head_room, const struct slice &src, size_t tail_room, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (size_t head_room, const buffer &src, size_t tail_room, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (const ::mdbx::txn &txn, const struct slice &src, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 buffer (buffer &&src) noexcept(move_assign_alloc::is_nothrow())
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const struct sliceslice () const noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR operator const struct slice & () const noexcept
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR buffer (const ::std::span< POD > &span)
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< const POD > as_span () const
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< POD > as_span ()
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< const bytebytes () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< bytebytes ()
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< const char > chars () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< char > chars ()
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR POD as_pod () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint128_t as_uint128 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint64_t as_uint64 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint32_t as_uint32 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint16_t as_uint16 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint8_t as_uint8 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int128_t as_int128 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int64_t as_int64 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int32_t as_int32 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int16_t as_int16 () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int8_t as_int8 () const
uint128_t as_uint128_adapt () const
uint64_t as_uint64_adapt () const
uint32_t as_uint32_adapt () const
uint16_t as_uint16_adapt () const
uint8_t as_uint8_adapt () const
int128_t as_int128_adapt () const
int64_t as_int64_adapt () const
int32_t as_int32_adapt () const
int16_t as_int16_adapt () const
int8_t as_int8_adapt () const
buffer encode_hex (bool uppercase=false, unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type()) const
 Returns a new buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.
buffer encode_base58 (unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type()) const
 Returns a new buffer with a Base58 dump of the slice content.
buffer encode_base64 (unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type()) const
 Returns a new buffer with a Base64 dump of the slice content.
buffer hex_decode (bool ignore_spaces=false, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type()) const
 Decodes hexadecimal dump from the buffer content to new returned buffer.
buffer base58_decode (bool ignore_spaces=false, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type()) const
 Decodes Base58 dump from the buffer content to new returned buffer.
buffer base64_decode (bool ignore_spaces=false, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type()) const
 Decodes Base64 dump from the buffer content to new returned buffer.
void reserve (size_t wanna_headroom, size_t wanna_tailroom)
 Reserves storage space.
void reserve_headroom (size_t wanna_headroom)
 Reserves space before the payload.
void reserve_tailroom (size_t wanna_tailroom)
 Reserves space after the payload.
bufferassign_reference (const void *ptr, size_t bytes)
bufferassign_freestanding (const void *ptr, size_t bytes)
constexpr void swap (buffer &other) noexcept(swap_alloc::is_nothrow())
bufferassign (const buffer &src, bool make_reference=false)
bufferassign (const void *ptr, size_t bytes, bool make_reference=false)
bufferassign (const struct slice &src, bool make_reference=false)
bufferassign (const ::MDBX_val &src, bool make_reference=false)
bufferassign (struct slice &&src, bool make_reference=false)
bufferassign (::MDBX_val &&src, bool make_reference=false)
bufferassign (const void *begin, const void *end, bool make_reference=false)
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
bufferassign (const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > &str, bool make_reference=false)
bufferassign (const char *c_str, bool make_reference=false)
bufferoperator= (const buffer &src)
bufferoperator= (buffer &&src) noexcept(move_assign_alloc::is_nothrow())
bufferoperator= (const struct slice &src)
bufferoperator= (struct slice &&src)
template<class CHAR, class T>
bufferoperator= (const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > &view) noexcept
template<class CHAR = char, class T = ::std::char_traits<CHAR>>
::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > string_view () const noexcept
 Return a string_view that references the data of this buffer.
template<class CHAR, class T>
 operator::std::basic_string_view () const noexcept
 Return a string_view that references the data of this buffer.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr bool empty () const noexcept
 Checks whether the string is empty.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool is_null () const noexcept
 Checks whether the data pointer of the buffer is nullptr.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t size () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_t hash_value () const noexcept
 Returns the hash value of the data.
template<class CHAR = char, class T = ::std::char_traits<CHAR>, class A = legacy_allocator>
constexpr ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > as_string (const A &allocator=A()) const
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
constexpr operator::std::basic_string () const
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool starts_with (const struct slice &prefix) const noexcept
 Checks if the data starts with the given prefix.
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool ends_with (const struct slice &suffix) const noexcept
 Checks if the data ends with the given suffix.
void clear () noexcept
 Clears the contents and storage.
void clear_and_reserve (size_t whole_capacity, size_t headroom=0) noexcept
 Clears the contents and reserve storage.
void shrink_to_fit ()
 Reduces memory usage by freeing unused storage space.
void remove_prefix (size_t n) noexcept
 Drops the first "n" bytes from the data chunk.
void remove_suffix (size_t n) noexcept
 Drops the last "n" bytes from the data chunk.
void safe_remove_prefix (size_t n)
 Drops the first "n" bytes from the data chunk.
void safe_remove_suffix (size_t n)
 Drops the last "n" bytes from the data chunk.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte operator[] (size_t n) const noexcept
 Accesses the specified byte of data chunk.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byteoperator[] (size_t n) noexcept
 Accesses the specified byte of data chunk.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR byte at (size_t n) const
 Accesses the specified byte of data chunk with bounds checking.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR byteat (size_t n)
 Accesses the specified byte of data chunk with bounds checking.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice head (size_t n) const noexcept
 Returns the first "n" bytes of the data chunk.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice tail (size_t n) const noexcept
 Returns the last "n" bytes of the data chunk.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice middle (size_t from, size_t n) const noexcept
 Returns the middle "n" bytes of the data chunk.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice safe_head (size_t n) const
 Returns the first "n" bytes of the data chunk.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice safe_tail (size_t n) const
 Returns the last "n" bytes of the data chunk.
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice safe_middle (size_t from, size_t n) const
 Returns the middle "n" bytes of the data chunk.
bufferappend (const void *src, size_t bytes)
bufferappend (const struct slice &chunk)
bufferadd_header (const void *src, size_t bytes)
bufferadd_header (const struct slice &chunk)
template<MutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
bufferappend_producer (PRODUCER &producer)
template<ImmutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
bufferappend_producer (const PRODUCER &producer)
bufferappend_hex (const struct slice &data, bool uppercase=false, unsigned wrap_width=0)
bufferappend_base58 (const struct slice &data, unsigned wrap_width=0)
bufferappend_base64 (const struct slice &data, unsigned wrap_width=0)
bufferappend_decoded_hex (const struct slice &data, bool ignore_spaces=false)
bufferappend_decoded_base58 (const struct slice &data, bool ignore_spaces=false)
bufferappend_decoded_base64 (const struct slice &data, bool ignore_spaces=false)
bufferappend_u8 (uint_fast8_t u8)
bufferappend_byte (uint_fast8_t byte)
bufferappend_u16 (uint_fast16_t u16)
bufferappend_u24 (uint_fast32_t u24)
bufferappend_u32 (uint_fast32_t u32)
bufferappend_u48 (uint_fast64_t u48)
bufferappend_u64 (uint_fast64_t u64)
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
 buffer (const txn &txn, const struct slice &src, const allocator_type &allocator)

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename POD>
static buffer wrap (const POD &pod, bool make_reference=false, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
static buffer hex (const ::mdbx::slice &source, bool uppercase=false, unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Returns a new buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.
static buffer base58 (const ::mdbx::slice &source, unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Returns a new buffer with a Base58 dump of the slice content.
static buffer base64 (const ::mdbx::slice &source, unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Returns a new buffer with a Base64 dump of the slice content.
template<typename POD>
static buffer hex (const POD &pod, bool uppercase=false, unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Returns a new buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the given pod.
template<typename POD>
static buffer base58 (const POD &pod, unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Returns a new buffer with a Base58 dump of the given pod.
template<typename POD>
static buffer base64 (const POD &pod, unsigned wrap_width=0, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Returns a new buffer with a Base64 dump of the given pod.
static buffer hex_decode (const ::mdbx::slice &source, bool ignore_spaces=false, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Decodes hexadecimal dump from the slice content to returned buffer.
static buffer base58_decode (const ::mdbx::slice &source, bool ignore_spaces=false, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Decodes Base58 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.
static buffer base64_decode (const ::mdbx::slice &source, bool ignore_spaces=false, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
 Decodes Base64 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.
static buffer clone (const buffer &src, const allocator_type &allocator=allocator_type())
template<size_t SIZE>
static buffer key_from (const char(&text)[SIZE], bool make_reference=true)
template<class CHAR, class T>
static buffer key_from (const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > &src, bool make_reference=false)
static buffer key_from (const char *src, bool make_reference=false)
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
static buffer key_from (const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > &src, bool make_reference=false)
static buffer key_from (silo &&src) noexcept
static buffer key_from_double (const double ieee754_64bit)
static buffer key_from (const double ieee754_64bit)
static buffer key_from (const double *ieee754_64bit)
static buffer key_from_u64 (const uint64_t unsigned_int64)
static buffer key_from (const uint64_t unsigned_int64)
static buffer key_from_i64 (const int64_t signed_int64)
static buffer key_from (const int64_t signed_int64)
static buffer key_from_jsonInteger (const int64_t json_integer)
static buffer key_from_float (const float ieee754_32bit)
static buffer key_from (const float ieee754_32bit)
static buffer key_from (const float *ieee754_32bit)
static buffer key_from_u32 (const uint32_t unsigned_int32)
static buffer key_from (const uint32_t unsigned_int32)
static buffer key_from_i32 (const int32_t signed_int32)
static buffer key_from (const int32_t signed_int32)


class txn

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ allocator_traits

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
using mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_traits = ::std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>

◆ allocator_type

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
using mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type = typename ::std::allocator_traits<ALLOCATOR>::template rebind_alloc<uint64_t>

◆ copy_assign_alloc

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
using mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::copy_assign_alloc = allocation_aware_details::copy_assign_alloc<silo, allocator_type>

◆ move_assign_alloc

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
using mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::move_assign_alloc = allocation_aware_details::move_assign_alloc<silo, allocator_type>

◆ reservation_policy

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
using mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::reservation_policy = CAPACITY_POLICY

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
anonymous enum : size_t

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ buffer() [1/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( )

◆ buffer() [2/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const allocator_type & allocator)

◆ buffer() [3/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const struct slice & src,
bool make_reference,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [4/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & src,
bool make_reference,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [5/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const void * ptr,
size_t bytes,
bool make_reference,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [6/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > & )

◆ buffer() [7/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > && )

◆ buffer() [8/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const char * c_str,
bool make_reference,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [9/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > & view,
bool make_reference,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [10/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const struct slice & src,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [11/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & src,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [12/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const void * ptr,
size_t bytes,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [13/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > & str,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [14/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const char * c_str,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [15/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > & view,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [16/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( size_t head_room,
size_t tail_room,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [17/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( size_t capacity,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [18/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( size_t head_room,
const struct slice & src,
size_t tail_room,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [19/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( size_t head_room,
const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & src,
size_t tail_room,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [20/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const ::mdbx::txn & txn,
const struct slice & src,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ buffer() [21/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > && src)

◆ buffer() [22/22]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const ::std::span< POD > & span)

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_header() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::add_header ( const struct slice & chunk)

◆ add_header() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::add_header ( const void * src,
size_t bytes )

◆ append() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append ( const struct slice & chunk)

◆ append() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append ( const void * src,
size_t bytes )

◆ append_base58()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_base58 ( const struct slice & data,
unsigned wrap_width = 0 )

◆ append_base64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_base64 ( const struct slice & data,
unsigned wrap_width = 0 )

◆ append_byte()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_byte ( uint_fast8_t byte)

◆ append_decoded_base58()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_decoded_base58 ( const struct slice & data,
bool ignore_spaces = false )

◆ append_decoded_base64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_decoded_base64 ( const struct slice & data,
bool ignore_spaces = false )

◆ append_decoded_hex()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_decoded_hex ( const struct slice & data,
bool ignore_spaces = false )

◆ append_hex()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_hex ( const struct slice & data,
bool uppercase = false,
unsigned wrap_width = 0 )

◆ append_producer() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<ImmutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_producer ( const PRODUCER & producer)

◆ append_producer() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<MutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_producer ( PRODUCER & producer)

◆ append_u16()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_u16 ( uint_fast16_t u16)

◆ append_u24()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_u24 ( uint_fast32_t u24)

◆ append_u32()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_u32 ( uint_fast32_t u32)

◆ append_u48()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_u48 ( uint_fast64_t u48)

◆ append_u64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_u64 ( uint_fast64_t u64)

◆ append_u8()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::append_u8 ( uint_fast8_t u8)

◆ as_int128()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int128_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int128 ( ) const

◆ as_int128_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
int128_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int128_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_int16()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int16_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int16 ( ) const

◆ as_int16_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
int16_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int16_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_int32()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int32_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int32 ( ) const

◆ as_int32_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
int32_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int32_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_int64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int64_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int64 ( ) const

◆ as_int64_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
int64_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int64_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_int8()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR int8_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int8 ( ) const

◆ as_int8_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
int8_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_int8_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_pod()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR POD mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_pod ( ) const

◆ as_span() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< POD > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_span ( )

◆ as_span() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< const POD > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_span ( ) const

◆ as_string()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR = char, class T = ::std::char_traits<CHAR>, class A = legacy_allocator>
::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_string ( const A & allocator = A()) const

◆ as_uint128()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint128_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint128 ( ) const

◆ as_uint128_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
uint128_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint128_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_uint16()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint16_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint16 ( ) const

◆ as_uint16_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
uint16_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint16_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_uint32()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint32_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint32 ( ) const

◆ as_uint32_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
uint32_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint32_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_uint64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint64_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint64 ( ) const

◆ as_uint64_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
uint64_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint64_adapt ( ) const

◆ as_uint8()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR uint8_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint8 ( ) const

◆ as_uint8_adapt()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
uint8_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::as_uint8_adapt ( ) const

◆ assign() [1/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( ::MDBX_val && src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [2/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( const ::MDBX_val & src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [3/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > & str,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [4/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [5/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( const char * c_str,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [6/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( const struct slice & src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [7/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( const void * begin,
const void * end,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [8/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( const void * ptr,
size_t bytes,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign() [9/9]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign ( struct slice && src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ assign_freestanding()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign_freestanding ( const void * ptr,
size_t bytes )

◆ assign_reference()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::assign_reference ( const void * ptr,
size_t bytes )

◆ at() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR byte & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::at ( size_t n)

Accesses the specified byte of data chunk with bounds checking.

std::out_of_rangeif n >= size()

◆ at() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR byte mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::at ( size_t n) const

Accesses the specified byte of data chunk with bounds checking.

std::out_of_rangeif n >= size()

◆ base58() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base58 ( const ::mdbx::slice & source,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Returns a new buffer with a Base58 dump of the slice content.

◆ base58() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base58 ( const POD & pod,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Returns a new buffer with a Base58 dump of the given pod.

◆ base58_decode() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base58_decode ( bool ignore_spaces = false,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() ) const

Decodes Base58 dump from the buffer content to new returned buffer.

◆ base58_decode() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base58_decode ( const ::mdbx::slice & source,
bool ignore_spaces = false,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Decodes Base58 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.

◆ base64() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base64 ( const ::mdbx::slice & source,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Returns a new buffer with a Base64 dump of the slice content.

◆ base64() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base64 ( const POD & pod,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Returns a new buffer with a Base64 dump of the given pod.

◆ base64_decode() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base64_decode ( bool ignore_spaces = false,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() ) const

Decodes Base64 dump from the buffer content to new returned buffer.

◆ base64_decode() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::base64_decode ( const ::mdbx::slice & source,
bool ignore_spaces = false,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Decodes Base64 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.

◆ byte_ptr() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const byte * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::byte_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to const pointer to byte an address of data.

◆ byte_ptr() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::byte_ptr ( )

Returns casted to pointer to byte an address of data.

REQUIRES: The buffer should store data chunk, but not referenced to an external one.

◆ bytes() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< byte > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::bytes ( )

◆ bytes() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< const byte > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::bytes ( ) const

◆ capacity()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::capacity ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes that can be held in currently allocated storage.

◆ char_ptr() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::char_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to const pointer to char an address of data.

◆ char_ptr() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::char_ptr ( )

Returns casted to pointer to char an address of data.

REQUIRES: The buffer should store data chunk, but not referenced to an external one.

◆ chars() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< char > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::chars ( )

◆ chars() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR ::std::span< const char > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::chars ( ) const

◆ clear()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::clear ( )

Clears the contents and storage.

◆ clear_and_reserve()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::clear_and_reserve ( size_t whole_capacity,
size_t headroom = 0 )

Clears the contents and reserve storage.

◆ clone()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::clone ( const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & src,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

◆ data() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::data ( ) const

Return a const pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.

◆ data() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::data ( )

Return a pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.

REQUIRES: The buffer should store data chunk, but not referenced to an external one.

◆ empty()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr bool mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::empty ( ) const

Checks whether the string is empty.

◆ encode_base58()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::encode_base58 ( unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() ) const

Returns a new buffer with a Base58 dump of the slice content.

◆ encode_base64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::encode_base64 ( unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() ) const

Returns a new buffer with a Base64 dump of the slice content.

◆ encode_hex()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::encode_hex ( bool uppercase = false,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() ) const

Returns a new buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::end ( ) const

Return a const pointer to the end of the referenced data.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::end ( )

Return a pointer to the end of the referenced data.

REQUIRES: The buffer should store data chunk, but not referenced to an external one.

◆ end_byte_ptr() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const byte * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::end_byte_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to const pointer to byte an end of data.

◆ end_byte_ptr() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::end_byte_ptr ( )

Returns casted to pointer to byte an end of data.

REQUIRES: The buffer should store data chunk, but not referenced to an external one.

◆ end_char_ptr() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::end_char_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to const pointer to char an end of data.

◆ end_char_ptr() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::end_char_ptr ( )

Returns casted to pointer to char an end of data.

REQUIRES: The buffer should store data chunk, but not referenced to an external one.

◆ ends_with()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::ends_with ( const struct slice & suffix) const

Checks if the data ends with the given suffix.

◆ get_allocator()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
allocator_type mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::get_allocator ( ) const

Returns the associated allocator.

◆ hash_value()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>

Returns the hash value of the data.

Function implementation and returned hash values may changed version to version, and in future the t1ha3 will be used here. Therefore values obtained from this function shouldn't be persisted anywhere.

◆ head()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::head ( size_t n) const

Returns the first "n" bytes of the data chunk.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ headroom()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::headroom ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes that available in currently allocated storage ahead the currently beginning of data.

◆ hex() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::hex ( const ::mdbx::slice & source,
bool uppercase = false,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Returns a new buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.

◆ hex() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::hex ( const POD & pod,
bool uppercase = false,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Returns a new buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the given pod.

◆ hex_decode() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::hex_decode ( bool ignore_spaces = false,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() ) const

Decodes hexadecimal dump from the buffer content to new returned buffer.

◆ hex_decode() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::hex_decode ( const ::mdbx::slice & source,
bool ignore_spaces = false,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Decodes hexadecimal dump from the slice content to returned buffer.

◆ is_freestanding()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr bool mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::is_freestanding ( ) const

Checks whether data chunk stored inside the buffer, otherwise buffer just refers to data located outside the buffer.

◆ is_null()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::is_null ( ) const

Checks whether the data pointer of the buffer is nullptr.

◆ is_reference()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr bool mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::is_reference ( ) const

Checks whether the buffer just refers to data located outside the buffer, rather than stores it.

◆ key_from() [1/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const ::std::basic_string< CHAR, T, A > & src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ key_from() [2/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > & src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ key_from() [3/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const char * src,
bool make_reference = false )

◆ key_from() [4/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<size_t SIZE>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const char(&) text[SIZE],
bool make_reference = true )

◆ key_from() [5/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const double * ieee754_64bit)

◆ key_from() [6/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const double ieee754_64bit)

◆ key_from() [7/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const float * ieee754_32bit)

◆ key_from() [8/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const float ieee754_32bit)

◆ key_from() [9/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const int32_t signed_int32)

◆ key_from() [10/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const int64_t signed_int64)

◆ key_from() [11/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const uint32_t unsigned_int32)

◆ key_from() [12/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( const uint64_t unsigned_int64)

◆ key_from() [13/13]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from ( silo && src)

◆ key_from_double()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from_double ( const double ieee754_64bit)

◆ key_from_float()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from_float ( const float ieee754_32bit)

◆ key_from_i32()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from_i32 ( const int32_t signed_int32)

◆ key_from_i64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from_i64 ( const int64_t signed_int64)

◆ key_from_jsonInteger()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from_jsonInteger ( const int64_t json_integer)

◆ key_from_u32()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from_u32 ( const uint32_t unsigned_int32)

◆ key_from_u64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::key_from_u64 ( const uint64_t unsigned_int64)

◆ length()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>

Returns the number of bytes.

◆ make_freestanding()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::make_freestanding ( )

Makes buffer owning the data.

If buffer refers to an external data, then makes it the owner of clone by allocating storage and copying the data.

◆ middle()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::middle ( size_t from,
size_t n ) const

Returns the middle "n" bytes of the data chunk.

REQUIRES: from + n <= size()

◆ operator const struct slice &()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator const struct slice & ( ) const

◆ operator::std::basic_string()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T, class A>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator::std::basic_string ( ) const

◆ operator::std::basic_string_view()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator::std::basic_string_view ( ) const

Return a string_view that references the data of this buffer.

◆ operator=() [1/5]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator= ( buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > && src)

◆ operator=() [2/5]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR, class T>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator= ( const ::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > & view)

◆ operator=() [3/5]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator= ( const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & src)

◆ operator=() [4/5]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator= ( const struct slice & src)

◆ operator=() [5/5]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator= ( struct slice && src)

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator[] ( size_t n) const

Accesses the specified byte of data chunk.

REQUIRES: n < size()

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::operator[] ( size_t n)

Accesses the specified byte of data chunk.

REQUIRES: n < size()

◆ remove_prefix()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::remove_prefix ( size_t n)

Drops the first "n" bytes from the data chunk.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ remove_suffix()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::remove_suffix ( size_t n)

Drops the last "n" bytes from the data chunk.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ reserve()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::reserve ( size_t wanna_headroom,
size_t wanna_tailroom )

Reserves storage space.

◆ reserve_headroom()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::reserve_headroom ( size_t wanna_headroom)

Reserves space before the payload.

◆ reserve_tailroom()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::reserve_tailroom ( size_t wanna_tailroom)

Reserves space after the payload.

◆ safe_head()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::safe_head ( size_t n) const

Returns the first "n" bytes of the data chunk.

std::out_of_rangeif n >= size()

◆ safe_middle()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::safe_middle ( size_t from,
size_t n ) const

Returns the middle "n" bytes of the data chunk.

std::out_of_rangeif from + n >= size()

◆ safe_remove_prefix()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::safe_remove_prefix ( size_t n)

Drops the first "n" bytes from the data chunk.

std::out_of_rangeif n > size()

◆ safe_remove_suffix()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::safe_remove_suffix ( size_t n)

Drops the last "n" bytes from the data chunk.

std::out_of_rangeif n > size()

◆ safe_tail()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::safe_tail ( size_t n) const

Returns the last "n" bytes of the data chunk.

std::out_of_rangeif n >= size()

◆ set_end()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::set_end ( const void * ptr)

Sets the length by specifying the end of the data.

◆ set_length()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR buffer & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::set_length ( size_t bytes)

Set length of data.

◆ shrink_to_fit()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::shrink_to_fit ( )

Reduces memory usage by freeing unused storage space.

◆ size()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::size ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes.

◆ slice()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const struct slice & mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::slice ( ) const

◆ starts_with()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::starts_with ( const struct slice & prefix) const

Checks if the data starts with the given prefix.

◆ string_view()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class CHAR = char, class T = ::std::char_traits<CHAR>>
::std::basic_string_view< CHAR, T > mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::string_view ( ) const

Return a string_view that references the data of this buffer.

◆ swap()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
void mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::swap ( buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & other)

◆ tail()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR struct slice mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::tail ( size_t n) const

Returns the last "n" bytes of the data chunk.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ tailroom()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::tailroom ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes that available in currently allocated storage after the currently data end.

◆ wrap()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<typename POD>
static buffer mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::wrap ( const POD & pod,
bool make_reference = false,
const allocator_type & allocator = allocator_type() )

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ txn

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
friend class txn

◆ mdbx::map_handle

struct mdbx::map_handle

A handle for an individual table (aka key-value space, maps or sub-database) in the environment.

See also

Public Types

using flags = ::MDBX_db_flags_t
using state = ::MDBX_dbi_state_t

Public Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR map_handle () noexcept
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR map_handle (MDBX_dbi dbi) noexcept
 map_handle (const map_handle &) noexcept=default
map_handleoperator= (const map_handle &) noexcept=default
 operator MDBX_dbi () const

Public Attributes

MDBX_dbi dbi {0}

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ flags

◆ state

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ map_handle() [1/3]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::map_handle::map_handle ( )

◆ map_handle() [2/3]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::map_handle::map_handle ( MDBX_dbi dbi)

◆ map_handle() [3/3]

mdbx::map_handle::map_handle ( const map_handle & )

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator MDBX_dbi()

mdbx::map_handle::operator MDBX_dbi ( ) const

◆ operator=()

map_handle & mdbx::map_handle::operator= ( const map_handle & )

Member Data Documentation

◆ dbi

MDBX_dbi mdbx::map_handle::dbi {0}

◆ mdbx::env

class mdbx::env

Unmanaged database environment.

Like other unmanaged classes, env allows copying and assignment for instances, but does not destroys the represented underlying object from the own class destructor.

An environment supports multiple key-value tables (aka key-value maps, spaces or sub-databases), all residing in the same shared-memory mapped file.

Inherited by mdbx::env_managed.

Public Types

enum  mode { readonly , write_file_io , write_mapped_io , nested_transactions = write_file_io }
 Operation mode. More...
enum  durability { robust_synchronous , half_synchronous_weak_last , lazy_weak_tail , whole_fragile }
 Durability level. More...
enum  remove_mode { just_remove = MDBX_ENV_JUST_DELETE , ensure_unused = MDBX_ENV_ENSURE_UNUSED , wait_for_unused = MDBX_ENV_WAIT_FOR_UNUSED }
 Deletion modes for remove(). More...
enum class  extra_runtime_option {
  max_maps = MDBX_opt_max_db , max_readers = MDBX_opt_max_readers , sync_bytes = MDBX_opt_sync_bytes , sync_period = MDBX_opt_sync_period ,
  rp_augment_limit = MDBX_opt_rp_augment_limit , loose_limit = MDBX_opt_loose_limit , dp_reserve_limit = MDBX_opt_dp_reserve_limit , dp_limit = MDBX_opt_txn_dp_limit ,
  dp_initial = MDBX_opt_txn_dp_initial , spill_max_denominator = MDBX_opt_spill_max_denominator , spill_min_denominator = MDBX_opt_spill_min_denominator , spill_parent4child_denominator = MDBX_opt_spill_parent4child_denominator ,
  merge_threshold_16dot16_percent = MDBX_opt_merge_threshold_16dot16_percent , writethrough_threshold = MDBX_opt_writethrough_threshold , prefault_write_enable = MDBX_opt_prefault_write_enable
 MDBX environment extra runtime options. More...
using stat = ::MDBX_stat
 Statistics for a database in the MDBX environment.
using info = ::MDBX_envinfo
 Information about the environment.

Public Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR env () noexcept=default
 env (const env &) noexcept=default
envoperator= (env &&other) noexcept
 env (env &&other) noexcept
 ~env () noexcept
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator const MDBX_env * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator MDBX_env * ()
env::operate_parameters get_operation_parameters () const
 Returns current operation parameters.
env::mode get_mode () const
 Returns current operation mode.
env::durability get_durability () const
 Returns current durability mode.
env::reclaiming_options get_reclaiming () const
 Returns current reclaiming options.
env::operate_options get_options () const
 Returns current operate options.
bool is_pristine () const
 Returns true for a freshly created database, but false if at least one transaction was committed.
bool is_empty () const
 Checks whether the database is empty.
size_t dbsize_min () const
 Returns the minimal database size in bytes for the environment.
size_t dbsize_max () const
 Returns the maximal database size in bytes for the environment.
size_t key_min (key_mode mode) const noexcept
 Returns the minimal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.
size_t key_max (key_mode mode) const
 Returns the maximal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.
size_t value_min (value_mode mode) const noexcept
 Returns the minimal value size in bytes for specified values mode.
size_t value_max (value_mode mode) const
 Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified values mode.
size_t transaction_size_max () const
 Returns the maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.
envcopy (const ::mdbx::filesystem::path &destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
 Make a copy (backup) of an existing environment to the specified path.
envcopy (const ::std::wstring &destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (const wchar_t *destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (const ::std::string &destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (const char *destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (filehandle fd, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
 Copy an environment to the specified file descriptor.
stat get_stat () const
 Returns snapshot statistics about the MDBX environment.
size_t get_pagesize () const
 Returns pagesize of this MDBX environment.
info get_info () const
 Return snapshot information about the MDBX environment.
stat get_stat (const txn &) const
 Return statistics about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.
info get_info (const txn &) const
 Return information about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.
filehandle get_filehandle () const
 Returns the file descriptor for the DXB file of MDBX environment.
path get_path () const
 Return the path that was used for opening the environment.
MDBX_env_flags_t get_flags () const
 Returns environment flags.
unsigned max_readers () const
 Returns the maximum number of threads/reader slots for the environment.
unsigned max_maps () const
 Returns the maximum number of named tables for the environment.
void * get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the environment.
envset_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the environment.
envset_sync_threshold (size_t bytes)
 Sets threshold to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
size_t sync_threshold () const
 Gets threshold used to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
envset_sync_period (const duration &period)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
duration sync_period () const
 Gets relative period since the last unsteady commit that used to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
envset_sync_period__seconds_16dot16 (unsigned seconds_16dot16)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
unsigned sync_period__seconds_16dot16 () const
 Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.
envset_sync_period__seconds_double (double seconds)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
double sync_period__seconds_double () const
 Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.
envset_extra_option (extra_runtime_option option, uint64_t value)
 Sets the value of a extra runtime options for an environment.
uint64_t extra_option (extra_runtime_option option) const
 Gets the value of extra runtime options from an environment.
envalter_flags (MDBX_env_flags_t flags, bool on_off)
 Alter environment flags.
envset_geometry (const geometry &size)
 Set all size-related parameters of environment.
bool sync_to_disk (bool force=true, bool nonblock=false)
 Flush the environment data buffers.
bool poll_sync_to_disk ()
 Performs non-blocking polling of sync-to-disk thresholds.
void close_map (const map_handle &)
 Close a key-value map (aka table) handle. Normally unnecessary.
template<typename VISITOR>
int enumerate_readers (VISITOR &visitor)
 Enumerate readers.
unsigned check_readers ()
 Checks for stale readers in the lock table and return number of cleared slots.
envset_HandleSlowReaders (MDBX_hsr_func *)
 Sets a Handle-Slow-Readers callback to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.
MDBX_hsr_funcget_HandleSlowReaders () const noexcept
 Returns the current Handle-Slow-Readers callback used to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.
txn_managed start_read () const
 Starts read (read-only) transaction.
txn_managed prepare_read () const
 Creates but not start read transaction.
txn_managed start_write (txn &parent)
 Starts write (read-write) transaction.
txn_managed start_write (bool dont_wait=false)
 Starts write (read-write) transaction.
txn_managed try_start_write ()
 Tries to start write (read-write) transaction without blocking.

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t default_pagesize () noexcept
 Returns default page size for current system/platform.
static bool remove (const ::mdbx::filesystem::path &pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
 Removes the environment's files in a proper and multiprocess-safe way.
static bool remove (const ::std::wstring &pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
static bool remove (const wchar_t *pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
static bool remove (const ::std::string &pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
static bool remove (const char *pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)

Protected Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR env (MDBX_env *ptr) noexcept

Protected Attributes

MDBX_envhandle_ {nullptr}


class txn
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const env &a, const env &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const env &a, const env &b)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ info

Information about the environment.

◆ stat

Statistics for a database in the MDBX environment.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ durability

Durability level.


Default robust and durable sync mode.

Metadata is written and flushed to disk after a data is written and flushed, which guarantees the integrity of the database in the event of a crash at any time.

Please do not use other modes until you have studied all the details and are sure. Otherwise, you may lose your users' data, as happens in Miranda NG messenger.

Don't sync the meta-page after commit.

Flush system buffers to disk only once per transaction commit, omit the metadata flush. Defer that until the system flushes files to disk, or next non-MDBX_RDONLY commit or mdbx_env_sync(). Depending on the platform and hardware, with MDBX_NOMETASYNC you may get a doubling of write performance.

This trade-off maintains database integrity, but a system crash may undo the last committed transaction. I.e. it preserves the ACI (atomicity, consistency, isolation) but not D (durability) database property.

MDBX_NOMETASYNC flag may be changed at any time using mdbx_env_set_flags() or by passing to mdbx_txn_begin() for particular write transaction.

See also

Don't sync anything but keep previous steady commits.

Like MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC the MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC flag disable similarly flush system buffers to disk when committing a transaction. But there is a huge difference in how are recycled the MVCC snapshots corresponding to previous "steady" transactions (see below).

With MDBX_WRITEMAP the MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC instructs MDBX to use asynchronous mmap-flushes to disk. Asynchronous mmap-flushes means that actually all writes will scheduled and performed by operation system on it own manner, i.e. unordered. MDBX itself just notify operating system that it would be nice to write data to disk, but no more.

Depending on the platform and hardware, with MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC you may get a multiple increase of write performance, even 10 times or more.

In contrast to MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC mode, with MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC flag MDBX will keeps untouched pages within B-tree of the last transaction "steady" which was synced to disk completely. This has big implications for both data durability and (unfortunately) performance:

  • a system crash can't corrupt the database, but you will lose the last transactions; because MDBX will rollback to last steady commit since it kept explicitly.
  • the last steady transaction makes an effect similar to "long-lived" read transaction (see above in the Restrictions & Caveats section) since prevents reuse of pages freed by newer write transactions, thus the any data changes will be placed in newly allocated pages.
  • to avoid rapid database growth, the system will sync data and issue a steady commit-point to resume reuse pages, each time there is insufficient space and before increasing the size of the file on disk.

In other words, with MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC flag MDBX insures you from the whole database corruption, at the cost increasing database size and/or number of disk IOPs. So, MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC flag could be used with mdbx_env_sync() as alternatively for batch committing or nested transaction (in some cases). As well, auto-sync feature exposed by mdbx_env_set_syncbytes() and mdbx_env_set_syncperiod() functions could be very useful with MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC flag.

The number and volume of disk IOPs with MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC flag will exactly the as without any no-sync flags. However, you should expect a larger process's work set and significantly worse a locality of reference, due to the more intensive allocation of previously unused pages and increase the size of the database.

MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC flag may be changed at any time using mdbx_env_set_flags() or by passing to mdbx_txn_begin() for particular write transaction.


Don't sync anything and wipe previous steady commits.

Don't flush system buffers to disk when committing a transaction. This optimization means a system crash can corrupt the database, if buffers are not yet flushed to disk. Depending on the platform and hardware, with MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC you may get a multiple increase of write performance, even 100 times or more.

If the filesystem preserves write order (which is rare and never provided unless explicitly noted) and the MDBX_WRITEMAP and MDBX_LIFORECLAIM flags are not used, then a system crash can't corrupt the database, but you can lose the last transactions, if at least one buffer is not yet flushed to disk. The risk is governed by how often the system flushes dirty buffers to disk and how often mdbx_env_sync() is called. So, transactions exhibit ACI (atomicity, consistency, isolation) properties and only lose D (durability). I.e. database integrity is maintained, but a system crash may undo the final transactions.

Otherwise, if the filesystem not preserves write order (which is typically) or MDBX_WRITEMAP or MDBX_LIFORECLAIM flags are used, you should expect the corrupted database after a system crash.

So, most important thing about MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC:

  • a system crash immediately after commit the write transaction high likely lead to database corruption.
  • successful completion of mdbx_env_sync(force = true) after one or more committed transactions guarantees consistency and durability.
  • BUT by committing two or more transactions you back database into a weak state, in which a system crash may lead to database corruption! In case single transaction after mdbx_env_sync, you may lose transaction itself, but not a whole database.

Nevertheless, MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC provides "weak" durability in case of an application crash (but no durability on system failure), and therefore may be very useful in scenarios where data durability is not required over a system failure (e.g for short-lived data), or if you can take such risk.

MDBX_UTTERLY_NOSYNC flag may be changed at any time using mdbx_env_set_flags(), but don't has effect if passed to mdbx_txn_begin() for particular write transaction.

See also

◆ extra_runtime_option

MDBX environment extra runtime options.

See also

Controls the maximum number of named tables for the environment.

By default only unnamed key-value table could used and appropriate value should set by MDBX_opt_max_db to using any more named table(s). To reduce overhead, use the minimum sufficient value. This option may only set after mdbx_env_create() and before mdbx_env_open().

See also

Defines the maximum number of threads/reader slots for all processes interacting with the database.

This defines the number of slots in the lock table that is used to track readers in the environment. The default is about 100 for 4K system page size. Starting a read-only transaction normally ties a lock table slot to the current thread until the environment closes or the thread exits. If MDBX_NOSTICKYTHREADS is in use, mdbx_txn_begin() instead ties the slot to the MDBX_txn object until it or the MDBX_env object is destroyed. This option may only set after mdbx_env_create() and before mdbx_env_open(), and has an effect only when the database is opened by the first process interacts with the database.

See also

Controls interprocess/shared threshold to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.

See also

Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.

See also

Controls the in-process limit to grow a list of reclaimed/recycled page's numbers for finding a sequence of contiguous pages for large data items.

See also

A long values requires allocation of contiguous database pages. To find such sequences, it may be necessary to accumulate very large lists, especially when placing very long values (more than a megabyte) in a large databases (several tens of gigabytes), which is much expensive in extreme cases. This threshold allows you to avoid such costs by allocating new pages at the end of the database (with its possible growth on disk), instead of further accumulating/reclaiming Garbage Collection records.

On the other hand, too small threshold will lead to unreasonable database growth, or/and to the inability of put long values.

The MDBX_opt_rp_augment_limit controls described limit for the current process. By default this limit adjusted dynamically to 1/3 of current quantity of DB pages, which is usually enough for most cases.


Controls the in-process limit to grow a cache of dirty pages for reuse in the current transaction.

A 'dirty page' refers to a page that has been updated in memory only, the changes to a dirty page are not yet stored on disk. To reduce overhead, it is reasonable to release not all such pages immediately, but to leave some ones in cache for reuse in the current transaction.

The MDBX_opt_loose_limit allows you to set a limit for such cache inside the current process. Should be in the range 0..255, default is 64.


Controls the in-process limit of a pre-allocated memory items for dirty pages.

A 'dirty page' refers to a page that has been updated in memory only, the changes to a dirty page are not yet stored on disk. Without MDBX_WRITEMAP dirty pages are allocated from memory and released when a transaction is committed. To reduce overhead, it is reasonable to release not all ones, but to leave some allocations in reserve for reuse in the next transaction(s).

The MDBX_opt_dp_reserve_limit allows you to set a limit for such reserve inside the current process. Default is 1024.


Controls the in-process limit of dirty pages for a write transaction.

A 'dirty page' refers to a page that has been updated in memory only, the changes to a dirty page are not yet stored on disk. Without MDBX_WRITEMAP dirty pages are allocated from memory and will be busy until are written to disk. Therefore for a large transactions is reasonable to limit dirty pages collecting above an some threshold but spill to disk instead.

The MDBX_opt_txn_dp_limit controls described threshold for the current process. Default is 1/42 of the sum of whole and currently available RAM size, which the same ones are reported by mdbx_get_sysraminfo().


Controls the in-process initial allocation size for dirty pages list of a write transaction. Default is 1024.


Controls the in-process how maximal part of the dirty pages may be spilled when necessary.

The MDBX_opt_spill_max_denominator defines the denominator for limiting from the top for part of the current dirty pages may be spilled when the free room for a new dirty pages (i.e. distance to the MDBX_opt_txn_dp_limit threshold) is not enough to perform requested operation. Exactly max_pages_to_spill = dirty_pages - dirty_pages / N, where N is the value set by MDBX_opt_spill_max_denominator.

Should be in the range 0..255, where zero means no limit, i.e. all dirty pages could be spilled. Default is 8, i.e. no more than 7/8 of the current dirty pages may be spilled when reached the condition described above.


Controls the in-process how minimal part of the dirty pages should be spilled when necessary.

The MDBX_opt_spill_min_denominator defines the denominator for limiting from the bottom for part of the current dirty pages should be spilled when the free room for a new dirty pages (i.e. distance to the MDBX_opt_txn_dp_limit threshold) is not enough to perform requested operation. Exactly min_pages_to_spill = dirty_pages / N, where N is the value set by MDBX_opt_spill_min_denominator.

Should be in the range 0..255, where zero means no restriction at the bottom. Default is 8, i.e. at least the 1/8 of the current dirty pages should be spilled when reached the condition described above.


Controls the in-process how much of the parent transaction dirty pages will be spilled while start each child transaction.

The MDBX_opt_spill_parent4child_denominator defines the denominator to determine how much of parent transaction dirty pages will be spilled explicitly while start each child transaction. Exactly pages_to_spill = dirty_pages / N, where N is the value set by MDBX_opt_spill_parent4child_denominator.

For a stack of nested transactions each dirty page could be spilled only once, and parent's dirty pages couldn't be spilled while child transaction(s) are running. Therefore a child transaction could reach MDBX_TXN_FULL when parent(s) transaction has spilled too less (and child reach the limit of dirty pages), either when parent(s) has spilled too more (since child can't spill already spilled pages). So there is no universal golden ratio.

Should be in the range 0..255, where zero means no explicit spilling will be performed during starting nested transactions. Default is 0, i.e. by default no spilling performed during starting nested transactions, that correspond historically behaviour.


Controls the in-process threshold of semi-empty pages merge.

This option controls the in-process threshold of minimum page fill, as used space of percentage of a page. Neighbour pages emptier than this value are candidates for merging. The threshold value is specified in 1/65536 points of a whole page, which is equivalent to the 16-dot-16 fixed point format. The specified value must be in the range from 12.5% (almost empty page) to 50% (half empty page) which corresponds to the range from 8192 and to 32768 in units respectively.

See also

Controls the choosing between use write-through disk writes and usual ones with followed flush by the fdatasync() syscall.

Depending on the operating system, storage subsystem characteristics and the use case, higher performance can be achieved by either using write-through or a serie of usual/lazy writes followed by the flush-to-disk.

Basically for N chunks the latency/cost of write-through is: latency = N * (emit + round-trip-to-storage + storage-execution); And for serie of lazy writes with flush is: latency = N * (emit + storage-execution) + flush + round-trip-to-storage.

So, for large N and/or noteable round-trip-to-storage the write+flush approach is win. But for small N and/or near-zero NVMe-like latency the write-through is better.

To solve this issue libmdbx provide MDBX_opt_writethrough_threshold:

  • when N described above less or equal specified threshold, a write-through approach will be used;
  • otherwise, when N great than specified threshold, a write-and-flush approach will be used.
MDBX_opt_writethrough_threshold affects only MDBX_SYNC_DURABLE mode without MDBX_WRITEMAP, and not supported on Windows. On Windows a write-through is used always but MDBX_NOMETASYNC could be used for switching to write-and-flush.

Controls prevention of page-faults of reclaimed and allocated pages in the MDBX_WRITEMAP mode by clearing ones through file handle before touching.

◆ mode

Operation mode.


Read only mode.

Open the environment in read-only mode. No write operations will be allowed. MDBX will still modify the lock file - except on read-only filesystems, where MDBX does not use locks.

  • with MDBX_RDONLY = open environment in read-only mode. MDBX supports pure read-only mode (i.e. without opening LCK-file) only when environment directory and/or both files are not writable (and the LCK-file may be missing). In such case allowing file(s) to be placed on a network read-only share.
  • without MDBX_RDONLY = open environment in read-write mode.

This flag affects only at environment opening but can't be changed after.


Map data into memory with write permission.

Use a writeable memory map unless MDBX_RDONLY is set. This uses fewer mallocs and requires much less work for tracking database pages, but loses protection from application bugs like wild pointer writes and other bad updates into the database. This may be slightly faster for DBs that fit entirely in RAM, but is slower for DBs larger than RAM. Also adds the possibility for stray application writes thru pointers to silently corrupt the database.

  • with MDBX_WRITEMAP = all data will be mapped into memory in the read-write mode. This offers a significant performance benefit, since the data will be modified directly in mapped memory and then flushed to disk by single system call, without any memory management nor copying.
  • without MDBX_WRITEMAP = data will be mapped into memory in the read-only mode. This requires stocking all modified database pages in memory and then writing them to disk through file operations.
On the other hand, MDBX_WRITEMAP adds the possibility for stray application writes thru pointers to silently corrupt the database.
The MDBX_WRITEMAP mode is incompatible with nested transactions, since this is unreasonable. I.e. nested transactions requires mallocation of database pages and more work for tracking ones, which neuters a performance boost caused by the MDBX_WRITEMAP mode.

This flag affects only at environment opening but can't be changed after.


◆ remove_mode

Deletion modes for remove().


Just delete the environment's files and directory if any.

On POSIX systems, processes already working with the database will continue to work without interference until it close the environment.
On Windows, the behavior of just_remove is different because the system does not support deleting files that are currently memory mapped.

Make sure that the environment is not being used by other processes, or return an error otherwise.


Wait until other processes closes the environment before deletion.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ env() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::env ( )

◆ env() [2/2]

mdbx::env::env ( const env & )

Member Function Documentation

◆ copy() [1/6]

env & mdbx::env::copy ( const ::mdbx::filesystem::path & destination,
bool compactify,
bool force_dynamic_size = false )

Make a copy (backup) of an existing environment to the specified path.

◆ copy() [2/6]

env & mdbx::env::copy ( const ::std::string & destination,
bool compactify,
bool force_dynamic_size = false )

◆ copy() [3/6]

env & mdbx::env::copy ( const ::std::wstring & destination,
bool compactify,
bool force_dynamic_size = false )

◆ copy() [4/6]

env & mdbx::env::copy ( const char * destination,
bool compactify,
bool force_dynamic_size = false )

◆ copy() [5/6]

env & mdbx::env::copy ( const wchar_t * destination,
bool compactify,
bool force_dynamic_size = false )

◆ copy() [6/6]

env & mdbx::env::copy ( filehandle fd,
bool compactify,
bool force_dynamic_size = false )

Copy an environment to the specified file descriptor.

◆ dbsize_max()

size_t mdbx::env::dbsize_max ( ) const

Returns the maximal database size in bytes for the environment.

◆ dbsize_min()

size_t mdbx::env::dbsize_min ( ) const

Returns the minimal database size in bytes for the environment.

◆ default_pagesize()

static size_t mdbx::env::default_pagesize ( )

Returns default page size for current system/platform.

◆ get_pagesize()

size_t mdbx::env::get_pagesize ( ) const

Returns pagesize of this MDBX environment.

◆ get_path()

path mdbx::env::get_path ( ) const

Return the path that was used for opening the environment.

◆ is_empty()

bool mdbx::env::is_empty ( ) const

Checks whether the database is empty.

◆ is_pristine()

bool mdbx::env::is_pristine ( ) const

Returns true for a freshly created database, but false if at least one transaction was committed.

◆ key_max()

size_t mdbx::env::key_max ( key_mode mode) const

Returns the maximal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.

◆ key_min()

size_t mdbx::env::key_min ( key_mode mode) const

Returns the minimal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.

◆ poll_sync_to_disk()

bool mdbx::env::poll_sync_to_disk ( )

Performs non-blocking polling of sync-to-disk thresholds.

True if sync done or no data to sync, or false if the environment is busy by other thread or none of the thresholds are reached.

◆ remove() [1/5]

static bool mdbx::env::remove ( const ::mdbx::filesystem::path & pathname,
const remove_mode mode = just_remove )

Removes the environment's files in a proper and multiprocess-safe way.

◆ remove() [2/5]

static bool mdbx::env::remove ( const ::std::string & pathname,
const remove_mode mode = just_remove )

◆ remove() [3/5]

static bool mdbx::env::remove ( const ::std::wstring & pathname,
const remove_mode mode = just_remove )

◆ remove() [4/5]

static bool mdbx::env::remove ( const char * pathname,
const remove_mode mode = just_remove )

◆ remove() [5/5]

static bool mdbx::env::remove ( const wchar_t * pathname,
const remove_mode mode = just_remove )

◆ set_sync_period()

env & mdbx::env::set_sync_period ( const duration & period)

Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.

The relative period value affects all processes which operates with given environment until the last process close environment or a new value will be settled. Data is always written to disk when txn_managed::commit() is called, but the operating system may keep it buffered. MDBX always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless the environment was opened with whole_fragile, lazy_weak_tail or in part half_synchronous_weak_last. Settled period don't checked asynchronously, but only by the txn_managed::commit() and env::sync_to_disk() functions. Therefore, in cases where transactions are committed infrequently and/or irregularly, polling by env::poll_sync_to_disk() may be a reasonable solution to timeout enforcement.

The default is 0, than mean no any timeout checked, and no additional flush will be made.

See also

◆ sync_period()

duration mdbx::env::sync_period ( ) const

Gets relative period since the last unsteady commit that used to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.

The relative period value affects all processes which operates with given environment until the last process close environment or a new value will be settled. Data is always written to disk when txn_managed::commit() is called, but the operating system may keep it buffered. MDBX always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless the environment was opened with whole_fragile, lazy_weak_tail or in part half_synchronous_weak_last. Settled period don't checked asynchronously, but only by the txn_managed::commit() and env::sync_to_disk() functions. Therefore, in cases where transactions are committed infrequently and/or irregularly, polling by env::poll_sync_to_disk() may be a reasonable solution to timeout enforcement.

The default is 0, than mean no any timeout checked, and no additional flush will be made.

See also
set_sync_period(const duration&)

◆ transaction_size_max()

size_t mdbx::env::transaction_size_max ( ) const

Returns the maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.

◆ value_max()

size_t mdbx::env::value_max ( value_mode mode) const

Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified values mode.

◆ value_min()

size_t mdbx::env::value_min ( value_mode mode) const

Returns the minimal value size in bytes for specified values mode.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator!=

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= ( const env & a,
const env & b )

◆ operator==

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== ( const env & a,
const env & b )

◆ txn

friend class txn

Member Data Documentation

◆ handle_

MDBX_env* mdbx::env::handle_ {nullptr}

◆ mdbx::env_managed

class mdbx::env_managed

Managed database environment.

As other managed classes, env_managed destroys the represented underlying object from the own class destructor, but disallows copying and assignment for instances.

An environment supports multiple key-value tables (aka key-value spaces or maps), all residing in the same shared-memory mapped file.

Inherits mdbx::env.

Public Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR env_managed () noexcept=default
 env_managed (const ::mdbx::filesystem::path &pathname, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 Open existing database.
 env_managed (const ::std::wstring &pathname, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 env_managed (const wchar_t *pathname, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 env_managed (const ::std::string &pathname, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 env_managed (const char *pathname, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 env_managed (const ::mdbx::filesystem::path &pathname, const create_parameters &, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 Create new or open existing database.
 env_managed (const ::std::wstring &pathname, const create_parameters &, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 env_managed (const wchar_t *pathname, const create_parameters &, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 env_managed (const ::std::string &pathname, const create_parameters &, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
 env_managed (const char *pathname, const create_parameters &, const operate_parameters &, bool accede=true)
void close (bool dont_sync=false)
 Explicitly closes the environment and release the memory map.
 env_managed (env_managed &&)=default
env_managedoperator= (env_managed &&other) noexcept
 env_managed (const env_managed &)=delete
env_managedoperator= (const env_managed &)=delete
virtual ~env_managed () noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from mdbx::env
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR env () noexcept=default
 env (const env &) noexcept=default
envoperator= (env &&other) noexcept
 env (env &&other) noexcept
 ~env () noexcept
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator const MDBX_env * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator MDBX_env * ()
env::operate_parameters get_operation_parameters () const
 Returns current operation parameters.
env::mode get_mode () const
 Returns current operation mode.
env::durability get_durability () const
 Returns current durability mode.
env::reclaiming_options get_reclaiming () const
 Returns current reclaiming options.
env::operate_options get_options () const
 Returns current operate options.
bool is_pristine () const
 Returns true for a freshly created database, but false if at least one transaction was committed.
bool is_empty () const
 Checks whether the database is empty.
size_t dbsize_min () const
 Returns the minimal database size in bytes for the environment.
size_t dbsize_max () const
 Returns the maximal database size in bytes for the environment.
size_t key_min (key_mode mode) const noexcept
 Returns the minimal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.
size_t key_max (key_mode mode) const
 Returns the maximal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.
size_t value_min (value_mode mode) const noexcept
 Returns the minimal value size in bytes for specified values mode.
size_t value_max (value_mode mode) const
 Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified values mode.
size_t transaction_size_max () const
 Returns the maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.
envcopy (const ::mdbx::filesystem::path &destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
 Make a copy (backup) of an existing environment to the specified path.
envcopy (const ::std::wstring &destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (const wchar_t *destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (const ::std::string &destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (const char *destination, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
envcopy (filehandle fd, bool compactify, bool force_dynamic_size=false)
 Copy an environment to the specified file descriptor.
stat get_stat () const
 Returns snapshot statistics about the MDBX environment.
size_t get_pagesize () const
 Returns pagesize of this MDBX environment.
info get_info () const
 Return snapshot information about the MDBX environment.
stat get_stat (const txn &) const
 Return statistics about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.
info get_info (const txn &) const
 Return information about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.
filehandle get_filehandle () const
 Returns the file descriptor for the DXB file of MDBX environment.
path get_path () const
 Return the path that was used for opening the environment.
MDBX_env_flags_t get_flags () const
 Returns environment flags.
unsigned max_readers () const
 Returns the maximum number of threads/reader slots for the environment.
unsigned max_maps () const
 Returns the maximum number of named tables for the environment.
void * get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the environment.
envset_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the environment.
envset_sync_threshold (size_t bytes)
 Sets threshold to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
size_t sync_threshold () const
 Gets threshold used to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
envset_sync_period (const duration &period)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
duration sync_period () const
 Gets relative period since the last unsteady commit that used to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
envset_sync_period__seconds_16dot16 (unsigned seconds_16dot16)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
unsigned sync_period__seconds_16dot16 () const
 Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.
envset_sync_period__seconds_double (double seconds)
 Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.
double sync_period__seconds_double () const
 Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.
envset_extra_option (extra_runtime_option option, uint64_t value)
 Sets the value of a extra runtime options for an environment.
uint64_t extra_option (extra_runtime_option option) const
 Gets the value of extra runtime options from an environment.
envalter_flags (MDBX_env_flags_t flags, bool on_off)
 Alter environment flags.
envset_geometry (const geometry &size)
 Set all size-related parameters of environment.
bool sync_to_disk (bool force=true, bool nonblock=false)
 Flush the environment data buffers.
bool poll_sync_to_disk ()
 Performs non-blocking polling of sync-to-disk thresholds.
void close_map (const map_handle &)
 Close a key-value map (aka table) handle. Normally unnecessary.
template<typename VISITOR>
int enumerate_readers (VISITOR &visitor)
 Enumerate readers.
unsigned check_readers ()
 Checks for stale readers in the lock table and return number of cleared slots.
envset_HandleSlowReaders (MDBX_hsr_func *)
 Sets a Handle-Slow-Readers callback to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.
MDBX_hsr_funcget_HandleSlowReaders () const noexcept
 Returns the current Handle-Slow-Readers callback used to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.
txn_managed start_read () const
 Starts read (read-only) transaction.
txn_managed prepare_read () const
 Creates but not start read transaction.
txn_managed start_write (txn &parent)
 Starts write (read-write) transaction.
txn_managed start_write (bool dont_wait=false)
 Starts write (read-write) transaction.
txn_managed try_start_write ()
 Tries to start write (read-write) transaction without blocking.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from mdbx::env
enum  mode { readonly , write_file_io , write_mapped_io , nested_transactions = write_file_io }
 Operation mode. More...
enum  durability { robust_synchronous , half_synchronous_weak_last , lazy_weak_tail , whole_fragile }
 Durability level. More...
enum  remove_mode { just_remove = MDBX_ENV_JUST_DELETE , ensure_unused = MDBX_ENV_ENSURE_UNUSED , wait_for_unused = MDBX_ENV_WAIT_FOR_UNUSED }
 Deletion modes for remove(). More...
enum class  extra_runtime_option {
  max_maps = MDBX_opt_max_db , max_readers = MDBX_opt_max_readers , sync_bytes = MDBX_opt_sync_bytes , sync_period = MDBX_opt_sync_period ,
  rp_augment_limit = MDBX_opt_rp_augment_limit , loose_limit = MDBX_opt_loose_limit , dp_reserve_limit = MDBX_opt_dp_reserve_limit , dp_limit = MDBX_opt_txn_dp_limit ,
  dp_initial = MDBX_opt_txn_dp_initial , spill_max_denominator = MDBX_opt_spill_max_denominator , spill_min_denominator = MDBX_opt_spill_min_denominator , spill_parent4child_denominator = MDBX_opt_spill_parent4child_denominator ,
  merge_threshold_16dot16_percent = MDBX_opt_merge_threshold_16dot16_percent , writethrough_threshold = MDBX_opt_writethrough_threshold , prefault_write_enable = MDBX_opt_prefault_write_enable
 MDBX environment extra runtime options. More...
using stat = ::MDBX_stat
 Statistics for a database in the MDBX environment.
using info = ::MDBX_envinfo
 Information about the environment.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from mdbx::env
static size_t default_pagesize () noexcept
 Returns default page size for current system/platform.
static bool remove (const ::mdbx::filesystem::path &pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
 Removes the environment's files in a proper and multiprocess-safe way.
static bool remove (const ::std::wstring &pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
static bool remove (const wchar_t *pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
static bool remove (const ::std::string &pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
static bool remove (const char *pathname, const remove_mode mode=just_remove)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mdbx::env
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR env (MDBX_env *ptr) noexcept
- Protected Attributes inherited from mdbx::env
MDBX_envhandle_ {nullptr}

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ env_managed() [1/13]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( )

◆ env_managed() [2/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const ::mdbx::filesystem::path & pathname,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

Open existing database.

◆ env_managed() [3/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const ::std::wstring & pathname,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [4/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const wchar_t * pathname,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [5/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const ::std::string & pathname,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [6/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const char * pathname,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [7/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const ::mdbx::filesystem::path & pathname,
const create_parameters & ,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

Create new or open existing database.

◆ env_managed() [8/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const ::std::wstring & pathname,
const create_parameters & ,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [9/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const wchar_t * pathname,
const create_parameters & ,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [10/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const ::std::string & pathname,
const create_parameters & ,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [11/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const char * pathname,
const create_parameters & ,
const operate_parameters & ,
bool accede = true )

◆ env_managed() [12/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( env_managed && )

◆ env_managed() [13/13]

mdbx::env_managed::env_managed ( const env_managed & )

◆ ~env_managed()

virtual mdbx::env_managed::~env_managed ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

void mdbx::env_managed::close ( bool dont_sync = false)

Explicitly closes the environment and release the memory map.

Only a single thread may call this function. All transactions, tables, and cursors must already be closed before calling this function. Attempts to use any such handles after calling this function will cause a SIGSEGV. The environment handle will be freed and must not be used again after this call.

[in]dont_syncA dont'sync flag, if non-zero the last checkpoint will be kept "as is" and may be still "weak" in the lazy_weak_tail or whole_fragile modes. Such "weak" checkpoint will be ignored on opening next time, and transactions since the last non-weak checkpoint (meta-page update) will rolledback for consistency guarantee.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

env_managed & mdbx::env_managed::operator= ( const env_managed & )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

env_managed & mdbx::env_managed::operator= ( env_managed && other)

◆ mdbx::txn

class mdbx::txn

Unmanaged database transaction.

Like other unmanaged classes, txn allows copying and assignment for instances, but does not destroys the represented underlying object from the own class destructor.

All database operations require a transaction handle. Transactions may be read-only or read-write.

Inherited by mdbx::txn_managed.

Public Types

using info = ::MDBX_txn_info
using map_stat = ::MDBX_stat
using canary = ::MDBX_canary

Public Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR txn () noexcept=default
 txn (const txn &) noexcept=default
txnoperator= (txn &&other) noexcept
 txn (txn &&other) noexcept
 ~txn () noexcept
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator const MDBX_txn * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator MDBX_txn * ()
inline ::mdbx::env env () const noexcept
 Returns the transaction's environment.
MDBX_txn_flags_t flags () const
 Returns transaction's flags.
uint64_t id () const
 Return the transaction's ID.
void * get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the transaction.
txnset_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the transaction.
bool is_dirty (const void *ptr) const
 Checks whether the given data is on a dirty page.
bool is_readonly () const
 Checks whether the transaction is read-only.
bool is_readwrite () const
 Checks whether the transaction is read-write.
info get_info (bool scan_reader_lock_table=false) const
 Returns information about the MDBX transaction.
size_t size_max () const
 Returns maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.
size_t size_current () const
 Returns current write transaction size (i.e.summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.
void reset_reading ()
 Reset read-only transaction.
void renew_reading ()
 Renew read-only transaction.
void make_broken ()
 Marks transaction as broken to prevent further operations.
void park_reading (bool autounpark=true)
 Park read-only transaction.
bool unpark_reading (bool restart_if_ousted=true)
 Resume parked read-only transaction.
txn_managed start_nested ()
 Start nested write transaction.
cursor_managed open_cursor (map_handle map) const
 Opens cursor for specified key-value map handle.
size_t release_all_cursors (bool unbind) const
 Unbind or close all cursors.
size_t close_all_cursors () const
 Close all cursors.
size_t unbind_all_cursors () const
 Unbind all cursors.
map_handle open_map (const char *name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map (const ::std::string &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const char *name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const ::std::string &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const ::mdbx::slice &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const char *name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const ::std::string &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
void drop_map (map_handle map)
 Drops key-value map using handle.
bool drop_map (const char *name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drops key-value map using name.
bool drop_map (const ::std::string &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drop key-value map.
bool drop_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drop key-value map.
void clear_map (map_handle map)
 Clear key-value map.
bool clear_map (const char *name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
bool clear_map (const ::std::string &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
bool clear_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
void rename_map (map_handle map, const char *new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
void rename_map (map_handle map, const ::std::string &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
void rename_map (map_handle map, const ::mdbx::slice &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const char *old_name, const char *new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const ::std::string &old_name, const ::std::string &new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const ::mdbx::slice &old_name, const ::mdbx::slice &new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
map_handle open_map (const ::std::string_view &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const ::std::string_view &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const ::std::string_view &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
bool drop_map (const ::std::string_view &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drop key-value map.
bool clear_map (const ::std::string_view &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
void rename_map (map_handle map, const ::std::string_view &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const ::std::string_view &old_name, const ::std::string_view &new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
map_stat get_map_stat (map_handle map) const
 Returns statistics for a table.
uint32_t get_tree_deepmask (map_handle map) const
 Returns depth (bitmask) information of nested dupsort (multi-value) B+trees for given table.
map_handle::info get_handle_info (map_handle map) const
 Returns information about key-value map (aka table) handle.
txnput_canary (const canary &)
 Set integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.
canary get_canary () const
 Returns fours integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.
uint64_t sequence (map_handle map) const
uint64_t sequence (map_handle map, uint64_t increment)
 Reads and increment sequence generator associated with a key-value map (aka table).
int compare_keys (map_handle map, const slice &a, const slice &b) const noexcept
 Compare two keys according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int compare_values (map_handle map, const slice &a, const slice &b) const noexcept
 Compare two values according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int compare_keys (map_handle map, const pair &a, const pair &b) const noexcept
 Compare keys of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int compare_values (map_handle map, const pair &a, const pair &b) const noexcept
 Compare values of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, const slice &key) const
 Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, slice key, size_t &values_count) const
 Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, slice key, size_t &values_count, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).
pair_result get_equal_or_great (map_handle map, const slice &key) const
 Get value for equal or great key from a table.
pair_result get_equal_or_great (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get value for equal or great key from a table.
MDBX_error_t put (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice *value, MDBX_put_flags_t flags) noexcept
void put (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value, put_mode mode)
void insert (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value)
value_result try_insert (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value)
slice insert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_insert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void upsert (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice upsert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void update (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
bool try_update (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice update_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_update_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void put (map_handle map, const pair &kv, put_mode mode)
void insert (map_handle map, const pair &kv)
value_result try_insert (map_handle map, const pair &kv)
void upsert (map_handle map, const pair &kv)
bool erase (map_handle map, const slice &key)
 Removes all values for given key.
bool erase (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
 Removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.
void replace (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice old_value, const slice &new_value)
 Replaces the particular multi-value of the key with a new value.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > extract (map_handle map, const slice &key, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
 Removes and return a value of the key.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > replace (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &new_value, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
 Replaces and returns a value of the key with new one.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > replace_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice &new_value, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
void append (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value, bool multivalue_order_preserved=true)
 Adding a key-value pair, provided that ascending order of the keys and (optionally) values are preserved.
void append (map_handle map, const pair &kv, bool multivalue_order_preserved=true)
size_t put_multiple_samelength (map_handle map, const slice &key, const size_t value_length, const void *values_array, size_t values_count, put_mode mode, bool allow_partial=false)
template<typename VALUE>
size_t put_multiple_samelength (map_handle map, const slice &key, const VALUE *values_array, size_t values_count, put_mode mode, bool allow_partial=false)
template<typename VALUE>
void put_multiple_samelength (map_handle map, const slice &key, const ::std::vector< VALUE > &vector, put_mode mode)
ptrdiff_t estimate (map_handle map, const pair &from, const pair &to) const
ptrdiff_t estimate (map_handle map, const slice &from, const slice &to) const
ptrdiff_t estimate_from_first (map_handle map, const slice &to) const
ptrdiff_t estimate_to_last (map_handle map, const slice &from) const

Protected Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR txn (MDBX_txn *ptr) noexcept

Protected Attributes

MDBX_txnhandle_ {nullptr}


class cursor
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const txn &a, const txn &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const txn &a, const txn &b)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ canary

◆ info

◆ map_stat

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ txn() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn::txn ( )

◆ txn() [2/2]

mdbx::txn::txn ( const txn & )

Member Function Documentation

◆ append()

void mdbx::txn::append ( map_handle map,
const pair & kv,
bool multivalue_order_preserved = true )

◆ clear_map() [1/3]

bool mdbx::txn::clear_map ( const ::mdbx::slice & name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )
True if the key-value map existed and was cleared, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to clear.

◆ clear_map() [2/3]

bool mdbx::txn::clear_map ( const ::std::string_view & name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )
True if the key-value map existed and was cleared, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to clear.

◆ clear_map() [3/3]

bool mdbx::txn::clear_map ( const char * name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )
True if the key-value map existed and was cleared, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to clear.

◆ close_all_cursors()

size_t mdbx::txn::close_all_cursors ( ) const

Close all cursors.

◆ create_map()

map_handle mdbx::txn::create_map ( const ::std::string_view & name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single )

Create new or open existing key-value map.

◆ drop_map() [1/3]

bool mdbx::txn::drop_map ( const ::mdbx::slice & name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Drop key-value map.

True if the key-value map existed and was deleted, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to delete.

◆ drop_map() [2/3]

bool mdbx::txn::drop_map ( const ::std::string_view & name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Drop key-value map.

True if the key-value map existed and was deleted, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to delete.

◆ drop_map() [3/3]

bool mdbx::txn::drop_map ( const char * name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Drops key-value map using name.

True if the key-value map existed and was deleted, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to delete.

◆ insert()

void mdbx::txn::insert ( map_handle map,
const pair & kv )

◆ is_readonly()

bool mdbx::txn::is_readonly ( ) const

Checks whether the transaction is read-only.

◆ is_readwrite()

bool mdbx::txn::is_readwrite ( ) const

Checks whether the transaction is read-write.

◆ open_map()

map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map ( const ::std::string_view & name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single ) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ open_map_accede()

map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map_accede ( const ::std::string_view & name) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ put()

void mdbx::txn::put ( map_handle map,
const pair & kv,
put_mode mode )

◆ put_multiple_samelength() [1/2]

template<typename VALUE>
void mdbx::txn::put_multiple_samelength ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const ::std::vector< VALUE > & vector,
put_mode mode )

◆ put_multiple_samelength() [2/2]

template<typename VALUE>
size_t mdbx::txn::put_multiple_samelength ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const VALUE * values_array,
size_t values_count,
put_mode mode,
bool allow_partial = false )

◆ rename_map() [1/5]

bool mdbx::txn::rename_map ( const ::mdbx::slice & old_name,
const ::mdbx::slice & new_name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

True если таблица существует и была переименована, либо false в случае отсутствия исходной таблицы.

◆ rename_map() [2/5]

bool mdbx::txn::rename_map ( const ::std::string & old_name,
const ::std::string & new_name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

True если таблица существует и была переименована, либо false в случае отсутствия исходной таблицы.

◆ rename_map() [3/5]

bool mdbx::txn::rename_map ( const ::std::string_view & old_name,
const ::std::string_view & new_name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

True если таблица существует и была переименована, либо false в случае отсутствия исходной таблицы.

◆ rename_map() [4/5]

bool mdbx::txn::rename_map ( const char * old_name,
const char * new_name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

True если таблица существует и была переименована, либо false в случае отсутствия исходной таблицы.

◆ rename_map() [5/5]

void mdbx::txn::rename_map ( map_handle map,
const ::std::string_view & new_name )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

◆ size_current()

size_t mdbx::txn::size_current ( ) const

Returns current write transaction size (i.e.summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.

◆ size_max()

size_t mdbx::txn::size_max ( ) const

Returns maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.

◆ start_nested()

txn_managed mdbx::txn::start_nested ( )

Start nested write transaction.

◆ try_insert()

value_result mdbx::txn::try_insert ( map_handle map,
const pair & kv )

◆ unbind_all_cursors()

size_t mdbx::txn::unbind_all_cursors ( ) const

Unbind all cursors.

◆ upsert()

void mdbx::txn::upsert ( map_handle map,
const pair & kv )

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ cursor

friend class cursor

◆ operator!=

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= ( const txn & a,
const txn & b )

◆ operator==

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== ( const txn & a,
const txn & b )

Member Data Documentation

◆ handle_

MDBX_txn* mdbx::txn::handle_ {nullptr}

◆ mdbx::txn_managed

class mdbx::txn_managed

Managed database transaction.

As other managed classes, txn_managed destroys the represented underlying object from the own class destructor, but disallows copying and assignment for instances.

All database operations require a transaction handle. Transactions may be read-only or read-write.

Inherits mdbx::txn.

Public Types

using commit_latency = MDBX_commit_latency
- Public Types inherited from mdbx::txn
using info = ::MDBX_txn_info
using map_stat = ::MDBX_stat
using canary = ::MDBX_canary

Public Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR txn_managed () noexcept=default
 txn_managed (txn_managed &&)=default
txn_managedoperator= (txn_managed &&other) noexcept
 txn_managed (const txn_managed &)=delete
txn_managedoperator= (const txn_managed &)=delete
 ~txn_managed () noexcept
void abort ()
 Abandon all the operations of the transaction instead of saving ones.
void commit ()
 Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database.
void commit_embark_read ()
 Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and then start read transaction.
void commit (commit_latency *)
 Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and collect latency information.
void commit (commit_latency &latency)
 Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and collect latency information.
commit_latency commit_get_latency ()
 Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and return latency information.
- Public Member Functions inherited from mdbx::txn
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR txn () noexcept=default
 txn (const txn &) noexcept=default
txnoperator= (txn &&other) noexcept
 txn (txn &&other) noexcept
 ~txn () noexcept
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator const MDBX_txn * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator MDBX_txn * ()
inline ::mdbx::env env () const noexcept
 Returns the transaction's environment.
MDBX_txn_flags_t flags () const
 Returns transaction's flags.
uint64_t id () const
 Return the transaction's ID.
void * get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the transaction.
txnset_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the transaction.
bool is_dirty (const void *ptr) const
 Checks whether the given data is on a dirty page.
bool is_readonly () const
 Checks whether the transaction is read-only.
bool is_readwrite () const
 Checks whether the transaction is read-write.
info get_info (bool scan_reader_lock_table=false) const
 Returns information about the MDBX transaction.
size_t size_max () const
 Returns maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.
size_t size_current () const
 Returns current write transaction size (i.e.summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes.
void reset_reading ()
 Reset read-only transaction.
void renew_reading ()
 Renew read-only transaction.
void make_broken ()
 Marks transaction as broken to prevent further operations.
void park_reading (bool autounpark=true)
 Park read-only transaction.
bool unpark_reading (bool restart_if_ousted=true)
 Resume parked read-only transaction.
txn_managed start_nested ()
 Start nested write transaction.
cursor_managed open_cursor (map_handle map) const
 Opens cursor for specified key-value map handle.
size_t release_all_cursors (bool unbind) const
 Unbind or close all cursors.
size_t close_all_cursors () const
 Close all cursors.
size_t unbind_all_cursors () const
 Unbind all cursors.
map_handle open_map (const char *name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map (const ::std::string &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const char *name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const ::std::string &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const ::mdbx::slice &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const char *name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const ::std::string &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
void drop_map (map_handle map)
 Drops key-value map using handle.
bool drop_map (const char *name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drops key-value map using name.
bool drop_map (const ::std::string &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drop key-value map.
bool drop_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drop key-value map.
void clear_map (map_handle map)
 Clear key-value map.
bool clear_map (const char *name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
bool clear_map (const ::std::string &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
bool clear_map (const ::mdbx::slice &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
void rename_map (map_handle map, const char *new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
void rename_map (map_handle map, const ::std::string &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
void rename_map (map_handle map, const ::mdbx::slice &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const char *old_name, const char *new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const ::std::string &old_name, const ::std::string &new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const ::mdbx::slice &old_name, const ::mdbx::slice &new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
map_handle open_map (const ::std::string_view &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle open_map_accede (const ::std::string_view &name) const
 Open existing key-value map.
map_handle create_map (const ::std::string_view &name, const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode=::mdbx::key_mode::usual, const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode=::mdbx::value_mode::single)
 Create new or open existing key-value map.
bool drop_map (const ::std::string_view &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Drop key-value map.
bool clear_map (const ::std::string_view &name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
void rename_map (map_handle map, const ::std::string_view &new_name)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
bool rename_map (const ::std::string_view &old_name, const ::std::string_view &new_name, bool throw_if_absent=false)
 Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.
map_stat get_map_stat (map_handle map) const
 Returns statistics for a table.
uint32_t get_tree_deepmask (map_handle map) const
 Returns depth (bitmask) information of nested dupsort (multi-value) B+trees for given table.
map_handle::info get_handle_info (map_handle map) const
 Returns information about key-value map (aka table) handle.
txnput_canary (const canary &)
 Set integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.
canary get_canary () const
 Returns fours integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.
uint64_t sequence (map_handle map) const
uint64_t sequence (map_handle map, uint64_t increment)
 Reads and increment sequence generator associated with a key-value map (aka table).
int compare_keys (map_handle map, const slice &a, const slice &b) const noexcept
 Compare two keys according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int compare_values (map_handle map, const slice &a, const slice &b) const noexcept
 Compare two values according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int compare_keys (map_handle map, const pair &a, const pair &b) const noexcept
 Compare keys of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
int compare_values (map_handle map, const pair &a, const pair &b) const noexcept
 Compare values of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, const slice &key) const
 Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, slice key, size_t &values_count) const
 Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).
slice get (map_handle map, slice key, size_t &values_count, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).
pair_result get_equal_or_great (map_handle map, const slice &key) const
 Get value for equal or great key from a table.
pair_result get_equal_or_great (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value_at_absence) const
 Get value for equal or great key from a table.
MDBX_error_t put (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice *value, MDBX_put_flags_t flags) noexcept
void put (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value, put_mode mode)
void insert (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value)
value_result try_insert (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice value)
slice insert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_insert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void upsert (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice upsert_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void update (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
bool try_update (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice update_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_update_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void put (map_handle map, const pair &kv, put_mode mode)
void insert (map_handle map, const pair &kv)
value_result try_insert (map_handle map, const pair &kv)
void upsert (map_handle map, const pair &kv)
bool erase (map_handle map, const slice &key)
 Removes all values for given key.
bool erase (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value)
 Removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.
void replace (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice old_value, const slice &new_value)
 Replaces the particular multi-value of the key with a new value.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > extract (map_handle map, const slice &key, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
 Removes and return a value of the key.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > replace (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &new_value, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
 Replaces and returns a value of the key with new one.
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > replace_reserve (map_handle map, const slice &key, slice &new_value, const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type &allocator=buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type())
void append (map_handle map, const slice &key, const slice &value, bool multivalue_order_preserved=true)
 Adding a key-value pair, provided that ascending order of the keys and (optionally) values are preserved.
void append (map_handle map, const pair &kv, bool multivalue_order_preserved=true)
size_t put_multiple_samelength (map_handle map, const slice &key, const size_t value_length, const void *values_array, size_t values_count, put_mode mode, bool allow_partial=false)
template<typename VALUE>
size_t put_multiple_samelength (map_handle map, const slice &key, const VALUE *values_array, size_t values_count, put_mode mode, bool allow_partial=false)
template<typename VALUE>
void put_multiple_samelength (map_handle map, const slice &key, const ::std::vector< VALUE > &vector, put_mode mode)
ptrdiff_t estimate (map_handle map, const pair &from, const pair &to) const
ptrdiff_t estimate (map_handle map, const slice &from, const slice &to) const
ptrdiff_t estimate_from_first (map_handle map, const slice &to) const
ptrdiff_t estimate_to_last (map_handle map, const slice &from) const


class env
class txn

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from mdbx::txn
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR txn (MDBX_txn *ptr) noexcept
- Protected Attributes inherited from mdbx::txn
MDBX_txnhandle_ {nullptr}

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ commit_latency

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ txn_managed() [1/3]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn_managed::txn_managed ( )

◆ txn_managed() [2/3]

mdbx::txn_managed::txn_managed ( txn_managed && )

◆ txn_managed() [3/3]

mdbx::txn_managed::txn_managed ( const txn_managed & )

◆ ~txn_managed()

mdbx::txn_managed::~txn_managed ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ abort()

void mdbx::txn_managed::abort ( )

Abandon all the operations of the transaction instead of saving ones.

◆ commit() [1/3]

void mdbx::txn_managed::commit ( )

Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database.

◆ commit() [2/3]

void mdbx::txn_managed::commit ( commit_latency & latency)

Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and collect latency information.

◆ commit() [3/3]

void mdbx::txn_managed::commit ( commit_latency * )

Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and collect latency information.

◆ commit_embark_read()

void mdbx::txn_managed::commit_embark_read ( )

Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and then start read transaction.

◆ commit_get_latency()

commit_latency mdbx::txn_managed::commit_get_latency ( )

Commit all the operations of a transaction into the database and return latency information.

latency information of commit stages.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

txn_managed & mdbx::txn_managed::operator= ( const txn_managed & )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

txn_managed & mdbx::txn_managed::operator= ( txn_managed && other)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ env

friend class env

◆ txn

friend class txn

◆ mdbx::cursor

class mdbx::cursor

Unmanaged cursor.

Like other unmanaged classes, cursor allows copying and assignment for instances, but does not destroys the represented underlying object from the own class destructor.

See also

Inherited by mdbx::cursor_managed.

Public Types

enum  move_operation {
  first = MDBX_FIRST , last = MDBX_LAST , next = MDBX_NEXT , previous = MDBX_PREV ,
  get_current = MDBX_GET_CURRENT , multi_prevkey_lastvalue = MDBX_PREV_NODUP , multi_currentkey_firstvalue = MDBX_FIRST_DUP , multi_currentkey_prevvalue = MDBX_PREV_DUP ,
  multi_currentkey_nextvalue = MDBX_NEXT_DUP , multi_currentkey_lastvalue = MDBX_LAST_DUP , multi_nextkey_firstvalue = MDBX_NEXT_NODUP , multi_find_pair = MDBX_GET_BOTH ,
  multi_exactkey_lowerboundvalue = MDBX_GET_BOTH_RANGE , seek_key = MDBX_SET , key_exact = MDBX_SET_KEY , key_lowerbound = MDBX_SET_RANGE ,
  key_lesser_than = MDBX_TO_KEY_LESSER_THAN , key_lesser_or_equal = MDBX_TO_KEY_LESSER_OR_EQUAL , key_equal = MDBX_TO_KEY_EQUAL , key_greater_or_equal = MDBX_TO_KEY_GREATER_OR_EQUAL ,
  key_greater_than = MDBX_TO_KEY_GREATER_THAN , multi_exactkey_value_lesser_than = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_LESSER_THAN , multi_exactkey_value_lesser_or_equal = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_LESSER_OR_EQUAL , multi_exactkey_value_equal = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_EQUAL ,
  multi_exactkey_value_greater_or_equal = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL , multi_exactkey_value_greater = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_GREATER_THAN , pair_lesser_than = MDBX_TO_PAIR_LESSER_THAN , pair_lesser_or_equal = MDBX_TO_PAIR_LESSER_OR_EQUAL ,
  pair_equal = MDBX_TO_PAIR_EQUAL , pair_exact = pair_equal , pair_greater_or_equal = MDBX_TO_PAIR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL , pair_greater_than = MDBX_TO_PAIR_GREATER_THAN ,
  batch_samelength = MDBX_GET_MULTIPLE , batch_samelength_next = MDBX_NEXT_MULTIPLE , batch_samelength_previous = MDBX_PREV_MULTIPLE

Public Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR cursor () noexcept=default
 cursor (const cursor &) noexcept=default
cursoroperator= (cursor &&other) noexcept
 cursor (cursor &&other) noexcept
 ~cursor () noexcept
cursor_managed clone (void *your_context=nullptr) const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator const MDBX_cursor * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator MDBX_cursor * ()
bool is_before_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_same_or_before_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_same_position (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_after_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_same_or_after_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
void * get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the cursor.
cursorset_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the cursor.
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool scan (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, move_operation start=first, move_operation turn=next)
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool fullscan (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, bool backward=false)
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool scan_from (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, slice &from, move_operation start=key_greater_or_equal, move_operation turn=next)
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool scan_from (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, pair &from, move_operation start=pair_greater_or_equal, move_operation turn=next)
move_result move (move_operation operation, bool throw_notfound)
move_result move (move_operation operation, const slice &key, bool throw_notfound)
move_result move (move_operation operation, const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound)
bool move (move_operation operation, slice &key, slice &value, bool throw_notfound)
move_result to_first (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_previous (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_previous_last_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_current_first_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_current_prev_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result current (bool throw_notfound=true) const
move_result to_current_next_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_current_last_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_next_first_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_next (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_last (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_lesser_than (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_lesser_or_equal (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_equal (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_exact (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_greater_or_equal (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_greater_than (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_lesser_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_lesser_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_greater_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_greater_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_lesser_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_lesser_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_exact (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_greater_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_greater_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
bool seek (const slice &key)
move_result find (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result lower_bound (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result upper_bound (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=false)
size_t count_multivalue () const
 Return count of duplicates for current key.
move_result find_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result lower_bound_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result upper_bound_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result get_multiple_samelength (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result get_multiple_samelength (bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result next_multiple_samelength (bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result previous_multiple_samelength (bool throw_notfound=false)
bool eof () const
bool on_first () const
bool on_last () const
bool on_first_multival () const
bool on_last_multival () const
estimate_result estimate (const slice &key, const slice &value) const
estimate_result estimate (const slice &key) const
estimate_result estimate (move_operation operation) const
estimate_result estimate (move_operation operation, slice &key) const
void renew (const ::mdbx::txn &txn)
 Renew/bind a cursor with a new transaction and previously used key-value map handle.
void bind (const ::mdbx::txn &txn, ::mdbx::map_handle map_handle)
 Bind/renew a cursor with a new transaction and specified key-value map handle.
void unbind ()
 Unbind cursor from a transaction.
inline ::mdbx::txn txn () const
 Returns the cursor's transaction.
map_handle map () const
 operator::mdbx::txn () const
 operator::mdbx::map_handle () const
MDBX_error_t put (const slice &key, slice *value, MDBX_put_flags_t flags) noexcept
void put (const slice &key, slice value, put_mode mode)
void insert (const slice &key, slice value)
value_result try_insert (const slice &key, slice value)
slice insert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_insert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void upsert (const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice upsert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void update (const slice &key, const slice &value)
bool try_update (const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice update_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_update_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void put (const pair &kv, put_mode mode)
void insert (const pair &kv)
value_result try_insert (const pair &kv)
void upsert (const pair &kv)
bool erase (bool whole_multivalue=false)
 Removes single key-value pair or all multi-values at the current cursor position.
bool erase (const slice &key, bool whole_multivalue=true)
 Seeks and removes first value or whole multi-value of the given key.
bool erase (const slice &key, const slice &value)
 Seeks and removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.

Protected Member Functions

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR cursor (MDBX_cursor *ptr) noexcept
bool move (move_operation operation, MDBX_val *key, MDBX_val *value, bool throw_notfound) const
ptrdiff_t estimate (move_operation operation, MDBX_val *key, MDBX_val *value) const

Protected Attributes

MDBX_cursorhandle_ {nullptr}


MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const cursor &a, const cursor &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const cursor &a, const cursor &b)
int compare_position_nothrow (const cursor &left, const cursor &right, bool ignore_nested=false)
int compare_position (const cursor &left, const cursor &right, bool ignore_nested=false)

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ move_operation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ cursor() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::cursor::cursor ( )

◆ cursor() [2/2]

mdbx::cursor::cursor ( const cursor & )

Member Function Documentation

◆ current()

move_result mdbx::cursor::current ( bool throw_notfound = true) const

◆ estimate()

estimate_result mdbx::cursor::estimate ( move_operation operation,
slice & key ) const

◆ fullscan()

template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool mdbx::cursor::fullscan ( CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate,
bool backward = false )

◆ get_multiple_samelength() [1/2]

move_result mdbx::cursor::get_multiple_samelength ( bool throw_notfound = false)

◆ get_multiple_samelength() [2/2]

move_result mdbx::cursor::get_multiple_samelength ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ insert()

void mdbx::cursor::insert ( const pair & kv)

◆ is_after_than()

bool mdbx::cursor::is_after_than ( const cursor & other,
bool ignore_nested = false ) const

◆ is_before_than()

bool mdbx::cursor::is_before_than ( const cursor & other,
bool ignore_nested = false ) const

◆ is_same_or_after_than()

bool mdbx::cursor::is_same_or_after_than ( const cursor & other,
bool ignore_nested = false ) const

◆ is_same_or_before_than()

bool mdbx::cursor::is_same_or_before_than ( const cursor & other,
bool ignore_nested = false ) const

◆ is_same_position()

bool mdbx::cursor::is_same_position ( const cursor & other,
bool ignore_nested = false ) const

◆ move() [1/4]

move_result mdbx::cursor::move ( move_operation operation,
bool throw_notfound )

◆ move() [2/4]

move_result mdbx::cursor::move ( move_operation operation,
const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound )

◆ move() [3/4]

move_result mdbx::cursor::move ( move_operation operation,
const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound )

◆ move() [4/4]

bool mdbx::cursor::move ( move_operation operation,
slice & key,
slice & value,
bool throw_notfound )

◆ next_multiple_samelength()

move_result mdbx::cursor::next_multiple_samelength ( bool throw_notfound = false)

◆ operator::mdbx::map_handle()

mdbx::cursor::operator::mdbx::map_handle ( ) const

◆ operator::mdbx::txn()

mdbx::cursor::operator::mdbx::txn ( ) const

◆ previous_multiple_samelength()

move_result mdbx::cursor::previous_multiple_samelength ( bool throw_notfound = false)

◆ put()

void mdbx::cursor::put ( const pair & kv,
put_mode mode )

◆ scan()

template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool mdbx::cursor::scan ( CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate,
move_operation start = first,
move_operation turn = next )

◆ scan_from() [1/2]

template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool mdbx::cursor::scan_from ( CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate,
pair & from,
move_operation start = pair_greater_or_equal,
move_operation turn = next )

◆ scan_from() [2/2]

template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool mdbx::cursor::scan_from ( CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate,
slice & from,
move_operation start = key_greater_or_equal,
move_operation turn = next )

◆ to_current_first_multi()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_current_first_multi ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_current_last_multi()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_current_last_multi ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_current_next_multi()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_current_next_multi ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_current_prev_multi()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_current_prev_multi ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_exact_key_value_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_exact_key_value_equal ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_exact_key_value_greater_or_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_exact_key_value_greater_or_equal ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_exact_key_value_greater_than()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_exact_key_value_greater_than ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_exact_key_value_lesser_or_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_exact_key_value_lesser_or_equal ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_exact_key_value_lesser_than()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_exact_key_value_lesser_than ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_first()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_first ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_key_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_key_equal ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_key_exact()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_key_exact ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_key_greater_or_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_key_greater_or_equal ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_key_greater_than()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_key_greater_than ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_key_lesser_or_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_key_lesser_or_equal ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_key_lesser_than()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_key_lesser_than ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_last()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_last ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_next()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_next ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_next_first_multi()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_next_first_multi ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_pair_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_pair_equal ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_pair_exact()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_pair_exact ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_pair_greater_or_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_pair_greater_or_equal ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_pair_greater_than()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_pair_greater_than ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_pair_lesser_or_equal()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_pair_lesser_or_equal ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_pair_lesser_than()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_pair_lesser_than ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ to_previous()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_previous ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ to_previous_last_multi()

move_result mdbx::cursor::to_previous_last_multi ( bool throw_notfound = true)

◆ try_insert()

value_result mdbx::cursor::try_insert ( const pair & kv)

◆ upsert()

void mdbx::cursor::upsert ( const pair & kv)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ compare_position

int compare_position ( const cursor & left,
const cursor & right,
bool ignore_nested = false )

◆ compare_position_nothrow

int compare_position_nothrow ( const cursor & left,
const cursor & right,
bool ignore_nested = false )

◆ operator!=

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= ( const cursor & a,
const cursor & b )

◆ operator==

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== ( const cursor & a,
const cursor & b )

Member Data Documentation

◆ handle_

MDBX_cursor* mdbx::cursor::handle_ {nullptr}

◆ mdbx::cursor_managed

class mdbx::cursor_managed

Managed cursor.

As other managed classes, cursor_managed destroys the represented underlying object from the own class destructor, but disallows copying and assignment for instances.

See also

Inherits mdbx::cursor.

Public Member Functions

 cursor_managed (void *your_context=nullptr)
 Creates a new managed cursor with underlying object.
void close ()
 Explicitly closes the cursor.
 cursor_managed (cursor_managed &&)=default
cursor_managedoperator= (cursor_managed &&other) noexcept
 cursor_managed (const cursor_managed &)=delete
cursor_managedoperator= (const cursor_managed &)=delete
 ~cursor_managed () noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from mdbx::cursor
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR cursor () noexcept=default
 cursor (const cursor &) noexcept=default
cursoroperator= (cursor &&other) noexcept
 cursor (cursor &&other) noexcept
 ~cursor () noexcept
cursor_managed clone (void *your_context=nullptr) const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator const MDBX_cursor * () const
MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR operator MDBX_cursor * ()
bool is_before_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_same_or_before_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_same_position (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_after_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
bool is_same_or_after_than (const cursor &other, bool ignore_nested=false) const
void * get_context () const noexcept
 Returns the application context associated with the cursor.
cursorset_context (void *your_context)
 Sets the application context associated with the cursor.
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool scan (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, move_operation start=first, move_operation turn=next)
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool fullscan (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, bool backward=false)
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool scan_from (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, slice &from, move_operation start=key_greater_or_equal, move_operation turn=next)
template<typename CALLABLE_PREDICATE>
bool scan_from (CALLABLE_PREDICATE predicate, pair &from, move_operation start=pair_greater_or_equal, move_operation turn=next)
move_result move (move_operation operation, bool throw_notfound)
move_result move (move_operation operation, const slice &key, bool throw_notfound)
move_result move (move_operation operation, const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound)
bool move (move_operation operation, slice &key, slice &value, bool throw_notfound)
move_result to_first (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_previous (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_previous_last_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_current_first_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_current_prev_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result current (bool throw_notfound=true) const
move_result to_current_next_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_current_last_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_next_first_multi (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_next (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_last (bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_lesser_than (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_lesser_or_equal (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_equal (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_exact (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_greater_or_equal (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_key_greater_than (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_lesser_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_lesser_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_greater_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_exact_key_value_greater_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_lesser_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_lesser_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_exact (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_greater_or_equal (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result to_pair_greater_than (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
bool seek (const slice &key)
move_result find (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result lower_bound (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result upper_bound (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=false)
size_t count_multivalue () const
 Return count of duplicates for current key.
move_result find_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result lower_bound_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result upper_bound_multivalue (const slice &key, const slice &value, bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result get_multiple_samelength (const slice &key, bool throw_notfound=true)
move_result get_multiple_samelength (bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result next_multiple_samelength (bool throw_notfound=false)
move_result previous_multiple_samelength (bool throw_notfound=false)
bool eof () const
bool on_first () const
bool on_last () const
bool on_first_multival () const
bool on_last_multival () const
estimate_result estimate (const slice &key, const slice &value) const
estimate_result estimate (const slice &key) const
estimate_result estimate (move_operation operation) const
estimate_result estimate (move_operation operation, slice &key) const
void renew (const ::mdbx::txn &txn)
 Renew/bind a cursor with a new transaction and previously used key-value map handle.
void bind (const ::mdbx::txn &txn, ::mdbx::map_handle map_handle)
 Bind/renew a cursor with a new transaction and specified key-value map handle.
void unbind ()
 Unbind cursor from a transaction.
inline ::mdbx::txn txn () const
 Returns the cursor's transaction.
map_handle map () const
 operator::mdbx::txn () const
 operator::mdbx::map_handle () const
MDBX_error_t put (const slice &key, slice *value, MDBX_put_flags_t flags) noexcept
void put (const slice &key, slice value, put_mode mode)
void insert (const slice &key, slice value)
value_result try_insert (const slice &key, slice value)
slice insert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_insert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void upsert (const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice upsert_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void update (const slice &key, const slice &value)
bool try_update (const slice &key, const slice &value)
slice update_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
value_result try_update_reserve (const slice &key, size_t value_length)
void put (const pair &kv, put_mode mode)
void insert (const pair &kv)
value_result try_insert (const pair &kv)
void upsert (const pair &kv)
bool erase (bool whole_multivalue=false)
 Removes single key-value pair or all multi-values at the current cursor position.
bool erase (const slice &key, bool whole_multivalue=true)
 Seeks and removes first value or whole multi-value of the given key.
bool erase (const slice &key, const slice &value)
 Seeks and removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.


class txn

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from mdbx::cursor
enum  move_operation {
  first = MDBX_FIRST , last = MDBX_LAST , next = MDBX_NEXT , previous = MDBX_PREV ,
  get_current = MDBX_GET_CURRENT , multi_prevkey_lastvalue = MDBX_PREV_NODUP , multi_currentkey_firstvalue = MDBX_FIRST_DUP , multi_currentkey_prevvalue = MDBX_PREV_DUP ,
  multi_currentkey_nextvalue = MDBX_NEXT_DUP , multi_currentkey_lastvalue = MDBX_LAST_DUP , multi_nextkey_firstvalue = MDBX_NEXT_NODUP , multi_find_pair = MDBX_GET_BOTH ,
  multi_exactkey_lowerboundvalue = MDBX_GET_BOTH_RANGE , seek_key = MDBX_SET , key_exact = MDBX_SET_KEY , key_lowerbound = MDBX_SET_RANGE ,
  key_lesser_than = MDBX_TO_KEY_LESSER_THAN , key_lesser_or_equal = MDBX_TO_KEY_LESSER_OR_EQUAL , key_equal = MDBX_TO_KEY_EQUAL , key_greater_or_equal = MDBX_TO_KEY_GREATER_OR_EQUAL ,
  key_greater_than = MDBX_TO_KEY_GREATER_THAN , multi_exactkey_value_lesser_than = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_LESSER_THAN , multi_exactkey_value_lesser_or_equal = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_LESSER_OR_EQUAL , multi_exactkey_value_equal = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_EQUAL ,
  multi_exactkey_value_greater_or_equal = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL , multi_exactkey_value_greater = MDBX_TO_EXACT_KEY_VALUE_GREATER_THAN , pair_lesser_than = MDBX_TO_PAIR_LESSER_THAN , pair_lesser_or_equal = MDBX_TO_PAIR_LESSER_OR_EQUAL ,
  pair_equal = MDBX_TO_PAIR_EQUAL , pair_exact = pair_equal , pair_greater_or_equal = MDBX_TO_PAIR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL , pair_greater_than = MDBX_TO_PAIR_GREATER_THAN ,
  batch_samelength = MDBX_GET_MULTIPLE , batch_samelength_next = MDBX_NEXT_MULTIPLE , batch_samelength_previous = MDBX_PREV_MULTIPLE
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mdbx::cursor
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR cursor (MDBX_cursor *ptr) noexcept
bool move (move_operation operation, MDBX_val *key, MDBX_val *value, bool throw_notfound) const
ptrdiff_t estimate (move_operation operation, MDBX_val *key, MDBX_val *value) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from mdbx::cursor
MDBX_cursorhandle_ {nullptr}

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ cursor_managed() [1/3]

mdbx::cursor_managed::cursor_managed ( void * your_context = nullptr)

Creates a new managed cursor with underlying object.

◆ cursor_managed() [2/3]

mdbx::cursor_managed::cursor_managed ( cursor_managed && )

◆ cursor_managed() [3/3]

mdbx::cursor_managed::cursor_managed ( const cursor_managed & )

◆ ~cursor_managed()

mdbx::cursor_managed::~cursor_managed ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

void mdbx::cursor_managed::close ( )

Explicitly closes the cursor.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

cursor_managed & mdbx::cursor_managed::operator= ( const cursor_managed & )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

cursor_managed & mdbx::cursor_managed::operator= ( cursor_managed && other)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ txn

friend class txn

◆ std::hash<::mdbx::slice >

struct std::hash<::mdbx::slice >

Public Member Functions

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_t operator() (::mdbx::slice const &slice) const noexcept

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_t std::hash<::mdbx::slice >::operator() ( ::mdbx::slice const & slice) const

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MDBX_STD_FILESYSTEM_PATH   ::mdbx::filesystem::path

Defined if mdbx::filesystem::path is available.

If defined, it is always mdbx::filesystem::path, which in turn can be refs to std::filesystem::path or std::experimental::filesystem::path. Nonetheless MDBX_STD_FILESYSTEM_PATH not defined if the mdbx::path is fallbacked to c std::string or std::wstring.

Typedef Documentation

◆ build_info

libmdbx build information

Some strings could be NULL in case no corresponding information was provided at build time (i.e. flags).

◆ byte

using mdbx::byte = char8_t

◆ comparator

◆ default_allocator

◆ default_buffer

◆ duration

using mdbx::duration = ::std::chrono::duration<unsigned, ::std::ratio<1, 65536>>

Duration in 1/65536 units of second.

◆ filehandle

◆ legacy_allocator

using mdbx::legacy_allocator = ::std::string::allocator_type

Legacy allocator but it is recommended to use polymorphic_allocator.

◆ path

using mdbx::path = ::mdbx::filesystem::path

◆ polymorphic_allocator

using mdbx::polymorphic_allocator = ::std::pmr::string::allocator_type

Default polymorphic allocator for modern code.

◆ string

template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator>
using mdbx::string = ::std::basic_string<char, ::std::char_traits<char>, ALLOCATOR>

Default single-byte string.

◆ version_info

libmdbx version information,

See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ key_mode

enum class mdbx::key_mode

Kinds of the keys and corresponding modes of comparing it.


Usual variable length keys with byte-by-byte lexicographic comparison like std::memcmp().


Variable length keys with byte-by-byte lexicographic comparison in reverse order, from the end of the keys to the beginning.


Keys are binary integers in native byte order, either uint32_t or uint64_t, and will be sorted as such. The keys must all be of the same size and must be aligned while passing as arguments.


Keys are in MessagePack format with appropriate comparison.

Not yet implemented and PRs are welcome.

◆ loop_control

Loop control constants for readers enumeration functor and other cases.

See also

◆ put_mode

Key-value pairs put mode.


Insert only unique keys.


Insert or update.


Update existing, don't insert new.

◆ value_mode

enum class mdbx::value_mode

Kind of the values and sorted multi-values with corresponding comparison.


Usual single value for each key. In terms of keys, they are unique.


A more than one data value could be associated with each key. Internally each key is stored once, and the corresponding data values are sorted by byte-by-byte lexicographic comparison like std::memcmp(). In terms of keys, they are not unique, i.e. has duplicates which are sorted by associated data values.


A more than one data value could be associated with each key. Internally each key is stored once, and the corresponding data values are sorted by byte-by-byte lexicographic comparison in reverse order, from the end of the keys to the beginning. In terms of keys, they are not unique, i.e. has duplicates which are sorted by associated data values.


A more than one data value could be associated with each key, and all data values must be same length. Internally each key is stored once, and the corresponding data values are sorted by byte-by-byte lexicographic comparison like std::memcmp(). In terms of keys, they are not unique, i.e. has duplicates which are sorted by associated data values.


A more than one data value could be associated with each key, and all data values are binary integers in native byte order, either uint32_t or uint64_t, and will be sorted as such. Internally each key is stored once, and the corresponding data values are sorted. In terms of keys, they are not unique, i.e. has duplicates which are sorted by associated data values.


A more than one data value could be associated with each key, and all data values must be same length. Internally each key is stored once, and the corresponding data values are sorted by byte-by-byte lexicographic comparison in reverse order, from the end of the keys to the beginning. In terms of keys, they are not unique, i.e. has duplicates which are sorted by associated data values.


A more than one data value could be associated with each key. Values are in MessagePack format with appropriate comparison. Internally each key is stored once, and the corresponding data values are sorted. In terms of keys, they are not unique, i.e. has duplicates which are sorted by associated data values.

Not yet implemented and PRs are welcome.

Function Documentation

◆ buffer()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::buffer ( const txn & txn,
const struct slice & src,
const allocator_type & allocator )

◆ cursor() [1/2]

mdbx::cursor::cursor ( cursor && other)

◆ cursor() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::cursor::cursor ( MDBX_cursor * ptr)

◆ env() [1/3]

mdbx::env::env ( env && other)

◆ env() [2/3]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::env ( MDBX_env * ptr)

◆ error()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::error::error ( MDBX_error_t error_code)

◆ estimate_result()

mdbx::cursor::estimate_result::estimate_result ( const cursor & cursor,
move_operation operation,
const slice & key,
const slice & value )

◆ info()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::map_handle::info::info ( map_handle::flags flags,
map_handle::state state )

◆ move_result() [1/2]

mdbx::cursor::move_result::move_result ( const cursor & cursor,
bool throw_notfound )

◆ move_result() [2/2]

mdbx::cursor::move_result::move_result ( cursor & cursor,
move_operation operation,
const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound )

◆ reader_info()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::reader_info::reader_info ( int slot,
mdbx_pid_t pid,
mdbx_tid_t thread,
uint64_t txnid,
uint64_t lag,
size_t used,
size_t retained )

◆ slice() [1/7]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice ( )

Create an empty slice.

◆ slice() [2/7]

mdbx::slice::slice ( const char * c_str)

Create a slice that refers to c_str[0,strlen(c_str)-1].

◆ slice() [3/7]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice ( const MDBX_val & src)

◆ slice() [4/7]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice ( const void * begin,
const void * end )

Create a slice that refers to [begin,end] of memory bytes.

◆ slice() [5/7]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice ( const void * ptr,
size_t bytes )

Create a slice that refers to [0,bytes-1] of memory bytes pointed by ptr.

◆ slice() [6/7]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice ( MDBX_val && src)

◆ slice() [7/7]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::slice::slice ( slice && src)

◆ txn() [1/3]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn::txn ( MDBX_txn * ptr)

◆ txn() [2/3]

mdbx::txn::txn ( txn && other)

◆ ~cursor()

mdbx::cursor::~cursor ( )

◆ ~env()

mdbx::env::~env ( )

◆ ~txn()

mdbx::txn::~txn ( )

◆ alter_flags()

env & mdbx::env::alter_flags ( MDBX_env_flags_t flags,
bool on_off )

Alter environment flags.

◆ append()

void mdbx::txn::append ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool multivalue_order_preserved = true )

Adding a key-value pair, provided that ascending order of the keys and (optionally) values are preserved.

Instead of splitting the full b+tree pages, the data will be placed on new ones. Thus appending is about two times faster than insertion, and the pages will be filled in completely mostly but not half as after splitting ones. On the other hand, any subsequent insertion or update with an increase in the length of the value will be twice as slow, since it will require splitting already filled pages.

[in]mapA map handle to append
[in]keyA key to be append
[in]valueA value to store with the key
[in]multivalue_order_preservedIf multivalue_order_preserved == true then the same rules applied for to pages of nested b+tree of multimap's values.

◆ as_base58_string()

template<class ALLOCATOR>
string< ALLOCATOR > mdbx::slice::as_base58_string ( unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Returns a string with a Base58 dump of the slice content.

◆ as_base64_string()

template<class ALLOCATOR>
string< ALLOCATOR > mdbx::slice::as_base64_string ( unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Returns a string with a Base58 dump of the slice content.

◆ as_hex_string()

template<class ALLOCATOR>
string< ALLOCATOR > mdbx::slice::as_hex_string ( bool uppercase = false,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Returns a string with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.

◆ assign() [1/7]

slice & mdbx::slice::assign ( ::MDBX_val && src)

◆ assign() [2/7]

slice & mdbx::slice::assign ( const ::MDBX_val & src)

◆ assign() [3/7]

slice & mdbx::slice::assign ( const char * c_str)

◆ assign() [4/7]

slice & mdbx::slice::assign ( const slice & src)

◆ assign() [5/7]

slice & mdbx::slice::assign ( const void * begin,
const void * end )

◆ assign() [6/7]

slice & mdbx::slice::assign ( const void * ptr,
size_t bytes )

◆ assign() [7/7]

slice & mdbx::slice::assign ( slice && src)

◆ at()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte mdbx::slice::at ( size_t n) const

Returns the nth byte in the referenced data with bounds checking.

std::out_of_rangeif n >= size()

◆ base58_decode()

template<class ALLOCATOR, class CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::base58_decode ( bool ignore_spaces = false,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Decodes Base58 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.

◆ base64_decode()

template<class ALLOCATOR, class CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::base64_decode ( bool ignore_spaces = false,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Decodes Base64 dump from the slice content to returned buffer.

◆ bind()

void mdbx::cursor::bind ( const ::mdbx::txn & txn,
::mdbx::map_handle map_handle )

Bind/renew a cursor with a new transaction and specified key-value map handle.

◆ boolean_or_throw() [1/2]

bool mdbx::error::boolean_or_throw ( int error_code)

◆ boolean_or_throw() [2/2]

bool mdbx::error::boolean_or_throw ( int error_code,
const exception_thunk & thunk )

◆ byte_ptr() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPRconst::mdbx::byte * mdbx::slice::byte_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to pointer to byte an address of data.

◆ byte_ptr() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR::mdbx::byte * mdbx::slice::byte_ptr ( )

◆ capture()

void mdbx::exception_thunk::capture ( )

◆ char_ptr() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * mdbx::slice::char_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to pointer to char an address of data.

◆ char_ptr() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * mdbx::slice::char_ptr ( )

◆ check_readers()

unsigned mdbx::env::check_readers ( )

Checks for stale readers in the lock table and return number of cleared slots.

◆ clear()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void mdbx::slice::clear ( )

Makes the slice empty and referencing to nothing.

◆ clear_map() [1/2]

bool mdbx::txn::clear_map ( const ::std::string & name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )
True if the key-value map existed and was cleared, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to clear.

◆ clear_map() [2/2]

void mdbx::txn::clear_map ( map_handle map)

Clear key-value map.

◆ clone()

cursor_managed mdbx::cursor::clone ( void * your_context = nullptr) const

◆ close_map()

void mdbx::env::close_map ( const map_handle & handle)

Close a key-value map (aka table) handle. Normally unnecessary.

Closing a table handle is not necessary, but lets txn::open_map() reuse the handle value. Usually it's better to set a bigger env::operate_parameters::max_maps, unless that value would be large.

Use with care. This call is synchronized via mutex with other calls close_map(), but NOT with other transactions running by other threads. The "next" version of libmdbx (MithrilDB and Future) will solve this issue.

Handles should only be closed if no other threads are going to reference the table handle or one of its cursors any further. Do not close a handle if an existing transaction has modified its table. Doing so can cause misbehavior from database corruption to errors like MDBX_BAD_DBI (since the DB name is gone).

◆ code()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR MDBX_error_t mdbx::error::code ( ) const

Returns error code.

◆ compare_fast() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::pair::compare_fast ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

Three-way fast non-lexicographically length-based comparison.

◆ compare_fast() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::slice::compare_fast ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

Three-way fast non-lexicographically length-based comparison.

Firstly compares length and if it equal then compare content lexicographically.

value: == 0 if a the same as b; < 0 if a shorter than b, or the same length and lexicographically less than b; > 0 if a longer than b, or the same length and lexicographically great than b.

◆ compare_keys() [1/2]

int mdbx::txn::compare_keys ( map_handle map,
const pair & a,
const pair & b ) const

Compare keys of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).

◆ compare_keys() [2/2]

int mdbx::txn::compare_keys ( map_handle map,
const slice & a,
const slice & b ) const

Compare two keys according to a particular key-value map (aka table).

◆ compare_lexicographically() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::pair::compare_lexicographically ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

Three-way lexicographically comparison.

◆ compare_lexicographically() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR intptr_t mdbx::slice::compare_lexicographically ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

Three-way lexicographically comparison.

value: == 0 if a lexicographically equal b; < 0 if a lexicographically less than b; > 0 if a lexicographically great than b.

◆ compare_position()

int mdbx::compare_position ( const cursor & left,
const cursor & right,
bool ignore_nested = false )

◆ compare_position_nothrow()

int mdbx::compare_position_nothrow ( const cursor & left,
const cursor & right,
bool ignore_nested = false )

◆ compare_values() [1/2]

int mdbx::txn::compare_values ( map_handle map,
const pair & a,
const pair & b ) const

Compare values of two pairs according to a particular key-value map (aka table).

◆ compare_values() [2/2]

int mdbx::txn::compare_values ( map_handle map,
const slice & a,
const slice & b ) const

Compare two values according to a particular key-value map (aka table).

◆ count_multivalue()

size_t mdbx::cursor::count_multivalue ( ) const

Return count of duplicates for current key.

◆ create_map() [1/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::create_map ( const ::mdbx::slice & name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single )

Create new or open existing key-value map.

◆ create_map() [2/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::create_map ( const ::std::string & name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single )

Create new or open existing key-value map.

◆ create_map() [3/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::create_map ( const char * name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single )

Create new or open existing key-value map.

◆ data() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * mdbx::slice::data ( ) const

Return a pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.

◆ data() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * mdbx::slice::data ( )

◆ dbsize_max()

size_t mdbx::env::limits::dbsize_max ( intptr_t pagesize)

Returns the maximal database size in bytes for specified page size.

◆ dbsize_min()

size_t mdbx::env::limits::dbsize_min ( intptr_t pagesize)

Returns the minimal database size in bytes for specified page size.

◆ default_comparator() [1/2]

comparator mdbx::default_comparator ( key_mode mode)

◆ default_comparator() [2/2]

comparator mdbx::default_comparator ( value_mode mode)

◆ drop_map() [1/2]

bool mdbx::txn::drop_map ( const ::std::string & name,
bool throw_if_absent = false )

Drop key-value map.

True if the key-value map existed and was deleted, either false if the key-value map did not exist and there is nothing to delete.

◆ drop_map() [2/2]

void mdbx::txn::drop_map ( map_handle map)

Drops key-value map using handle.

◆ empty()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::empty ( ) const

Checks whether the slice is empty.

◆ encode_base58()

template<class ALLOCATOR, class CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::encode_base58 ( unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Returns a buffer with a Base58 dump of the slice content.

◆ encode_base64()

template<class ALLOCATOR, class CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::encode_base64 ( unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Returns a buffer with a Base64 dump of the slice content.

◆ encode_hex()

template<class ALLOCATOR, class CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::encode_hex ( bool uppercase = false,
unsigned wrap_width = 0,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Returns a buffer with a hexadecimal dump of the slice content.

◆ end() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const void * mdbx::slice::end ( ) const

Return a pointer to the ending of the referenced data.

◆ end() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR void * mdbx::slice::end ( )

◆ end_byte_ptr() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPRconst::mdbx::byte * mdbx::slice::end_byte_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to pointer to byte an end of data.

◆ end_byte_ptr() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR::mdbx::byte * mdbx::slice::end_byte_ptr ( )

◆ end_char_ptr() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const char * mdbx::slice::end_char_ptr ( ) const

Returns casted to pointer to char an end of data.

◆ end_char_ptr() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR char * mdbx::slice::end_char_ptr ( )

◆ ends_with()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::ends_with ( const slice & suffix) const

Checks if the data ends with the given suffix.

◆ enumerate_readers()

template<typename VISITOR>
int mdbx::env::enumerate_readers ( VISITOR & visitor)

Enumerate readers.

The VISITOR class must have int operator(const reader_info&, int serial) which should return continue_loop (zero) to continue enumeration, or any non-zero value to exit.

The last value returned from visitor' functor.

◆ env() [3/3]

mdbx::env mdbx::txn::env ( ) const

Returns the transaction's environment.

◆ eof()

bool mdbx::cursor::eof ( ) const

◆ erase() [1/5]

bool mdbx::cursor::erase ( bool whole_multivalue = false)

Removes single key-value pair or all multi-values at the current cursor position.

◆ erase() [2/5]

bool mdbx::cursor::erase ( const slice & key,
bool whole_multivalue = true )

Seeks and removes first value or whole multi-value of the given key.

True if the key is found and a value(s) is removed.

◆ erase() [3/5]

bool mdbx::cursor::erase ( const slice & key,
const slice & value )

Seeks and removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.

True if the given key-value pair is found and removed.

◆ erase() [4/5]

bool mdbx::txn::erase ( map_handle map,
const slice & key )

Removes all values for given key.

◆ erase() [5/5]

bool mdbx::txn::erase ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & value )

Removes the particular multi-value entry of the key.

◆ estimate() [1/7]

cursor::estimate_result mdbx::cursor::estimate ( const slice & key) const

◆ estimate() [2/7]

cursor::estimate_result mdbx::cursor::estimate ( const slice & key,
const slice & value ) const

◆ estimate() [3/7]

cursor::estimate_result mdbx::cursor::estimate ( move_operation operation) const

◆ estimate() [4/7]

ptrdiff_t mdbx::cursor::estimate ( move_operation operation,
MDBX_val * key,
MDBX_val * value ) const

◆ estimate() [5/7]

ptrdiff_t mdbx::estimate ( const cursor & from,
const cursor & to )

◆ estimate() [6/7]

ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate ( map_handle map,
const pair & from,
const pair & to ) const

◆ estimate() [7/7]

ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate ( map_handle map,
const slice & from,
const slice & to ) const

◆ estimate_from_first()

ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate_from_first ( map_handle map,
const slice & to ) const

◆ estimate_to_last()

ptrdiff_t mdbx::txn::estimate_to_last ( map_handle map,
const slice & from ) const

◆ extra_option()

uint64_t mdbx::env::extra_option ( enum env::extra_runtime_option option) const

Gets the value of extra runtime options from an environment.

◆ extract()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::txn::extract ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type & allocator = buffer<ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY>::allocator_type() )

Removes and return a value of the key.

◆ find()

cursor::move_result mdbx::cursor::find ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ find_multivalue()

cursor::move_result mdbx::cursor::find_multivalue ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = true )

◆ flags()

MDBX_txn_flags_t mdbx::txn::flags ( ) const

Returns transaction's flags.

◆ get() [1/4]

slice mdbx::txn::get ( map_handle map,
const slice & key ) const

Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).

◆ get() [2/4]

slice mdbx::txn::get ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & value_at_absence ) const

Get value by key from a key-value map (aka table).

◆ get() [3/4]

slice mdbx::txn::get ( map_handle map,
slice key,
size_t & values_count ) const

Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).

◆ get() [4/4]

slice mdbx::txn::get ( map_handle map,
slice key,
size_t & values_count,
const slice & value_at_absence ) const

Get first of multi-value and values count by key from a key-value multimap (aka table).

◆ get_build()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const build_info & mdbx::get_build ( )

Returns libmdbx build information.

◆ get_canary()

txn::canary mdbx::txn::get_canary ( ) const

Returns fours integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.

◆ get_context() [1/3]

void * mdbx::cursor::get_context ( ) const

Returns the application context associated with the cursor.

◆ get_context() [2/3]

void * mdbx::env::get_context ( ) const

Returns the application context associated with the environment.

◆ get_context() [3/3]

void * mdbx::txn::get_context ( ) const

Returns the application context associated with the transaction.

◆ get_durability()

env::durability mdbx::env::get_durability ( ) const

Returns current durability mode.

◆ get_equal_or_great() [1/2]

pair_result mdbx::txn::get_equal_or_great ( map_handle map,
const slice & key ) const

Get value for equal or great key from a table.

Bundle of key-value pair and boolean flag, which will be true if the exact key was found and false otherwise.

◆ get_equal_or_great() [2/2]

pair_result mdbx::txn::get_equal_or_great ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & value_at_absence ) const

Get value for equal or great key from a table.

Bundle of key-value pair and boolean flag, which will be true if the exact key was found and false otherwise.

◆ get_filehandle()

filehandle mdbx::env::get_filehandle ( ) const

Returns the file descriptor for the DXB file of MDBX environment.

◆ get_flags()

MDBX_env_flags_t mdbx::env::get_flags ( ) const

Returns environment flags.

◆ get_handle_info()

map_handle::info mdbx::txn::get_handle_info ( map_handle map) const

Returns information about key-value map (aka table) handle.

◆ get_HandleSlowReaders()

MDBX_hsr_func * mdbx::env::get_HandleSlowReaders ( ) const

Returns the current Handle-Slow-Readers callback used to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.

See also

◆ get_info() [1/3]

env::info mdbx::env::get_info ( ) const

Return snapshot information about the MDBX environment.

◆ get_info() [2/3]

env::info mdbx::env::get_info ( const txn & txn) const

Return information about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.

◆ get_info() [3/3]

txn::info mdbx::txn::get_info ( bool scan_reader_lock_table = false) const

Returns information about the MDBX transaction.

◆ get_map_stat()

txn::map_stat mdbx::txn::get_map_stat ( map_handle map) const

Returns statistics for a table.

◆ get_mode()

env::mode mdbx::env::get_mode ( ) const

Returns current operation mode.

◆ get_operation_parameters()

env::operate_parameters mdbx::env::get_operation_parameters ( ) const

Returns current operation parameters.

◆ get_options()

env::operate_options mdbx::env::get_options ( ) const

Returns current operate options.

◆ get_reclaiming()

env::reclaiming_options mdbx::env::get_reclaiming ( ) const

Returns current reclaiming options.

◆ get_stat() [1/2]

env::stat mdbx::env::get_stat ( ) const

Returns snapshot statistics about the MDBX environment.

◆ get_stat() [2/2]

env::stat mdbx::env::get_stat ( const txn & txn) const

Return statistics about the MDBX environment accordingly to the specified transaction.

◆ get_tree_deepmask()

uint32_t mdbx::txn::get_tree_deepmask ( map_handle map) const

Returns depth (bitmask) information of nested dupsort (multi-value) B+trees for given table.

◆ get_version()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const version_info & mdbx::get_version ( )

Returns libmdbx version information.

◆ hash_value()

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_t mdbx::slice::hash_value ( ) const

Returns the hash value of referenced data.

Function implementation and returned hash values may changed version to version, and in future the t1ha3 will be used here. Therefore values obtained from this function shouldn't be persisted anywhere.

◆ head()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::head ( size_t n) const

Returns the first "n" bytes of the slice.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ hex_decode()

template<class ALLOCATOR, class CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::slice::hex_decode ( bool ignore_spaces = false,
const ALLOCATOR & allocator = ALLOCATOR() ) const

Decodes hexadecimal dump from the slice content to returned buffer.

◆ id()

uint64_t mdbx::txn::id ( ) const

Return the transaction's ID.

◆ insert() [1/2]

void mdbx::cursor::insert ( const slice & key,
slice value )

◆ insert() [2/2]

void mdbx::txn::insert ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
slice value )

◆ insert_reserve() [1/2]

slice mdbx::cursor::insert_reserve ( const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ insert_reserve() [2/2]

slice mdbx::txn::insert_reserve ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ invalidate()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void mdbx::slice::invalidate ( )

Depletes content of slice and make it invalid.

◆ is_base58()

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::slice::is_base58 ( bool ignore_spaces = false) const

Checks whether the content of the slice is a Base58 dump.

[in]ignore_spacesIf true function will skips spaces surrounding (before, between and after) a encoded bytes. However, spaces should not break a code group of characters.

◆ is_base64()

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::slice::is_base64 ( bool ignore_spaces = false) const

Checks whether the content of the slice is a Base64 dump.

[in]ignore_spacesIf true function will skips spaces surrounding (before, between and after) a encoded bytes. However, spaces should not break a code group of characters.

◆ is_clean()

bool mdbx::exception_thunk::is_clean ( ) const

◆ is_dirty()

bool mdbx::txn::is_dirty ( const void * ptr) const

Checks whether the given data is on a dirty page.

◆ is_failure()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_failure ( ) const

◆ is_hex()

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION bool mdbx::slice::is_hex ( bool ignore_spaces = false) const

Checks whether the content of the slice is a hexadecimal dump.

[in]ignore_spacesIf true function will skips spaces surrounding (before, between and after) a encoded bytes. However, spaces should not break a pair of characters encoding a single byte.

◆ is_mdbx_error()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_mdbx_error ( ) const

Returns true for MDBX's errors.

◆ is_msgpack() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_msgpack ( key_mode mode)

◆ is_msgpack() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_msgpack ( value_mode mode)

◆ is_multi()

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_multi ( value_mode mode)

◆ is_null()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::is_null ( ) const

Checks whether the slice data pointer is nullptr.

◆ is_ordinal() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_ordinal ( key_mode mode)

◆ is_ordinal() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_ordinal ( value_mode mode)

◆ is_result_false()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_result_false ( ) const

◆ is_result_true()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_result_true ( ) const

◆ is_reverse() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_reverse ( key_mode mode)

◆ is_reverse() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_reverse ( value_mode mode)

◆ is_samelength() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_samelength ( key_mode mode)

◆ is_samelength() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_samelength ( value_mode mode)

◆ is_success()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::error::is_success ( ) const

◆ is_usual() [1/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_usual ( key_mode mode)

◆ is_usual() [2/2]

MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool mdbx::is_usual ( value_mode mode)

◆ key_max() [1/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max ( const env & env,
key_mode mode )

Returns the maximal key size in bytes for given environment and keys mode.

◆ key_max() [2/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max ( const env & env,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns the maximal key size in bytes for given environment and table flags.

◆ key_max() [3/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
key_mode mode )

Returns the maximal key size in bytes for specified page size and keys mode.

◆ key_max() [4/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns the maximal key size in bytes for specified page size and table flags.

◆ key_min() [1/2]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_min ( key_mode mode)

Returns the minimal key size in bytes for specified keys mode.

◆ key_min() [2/2]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::key_min ( MDBX_db_flags_t flags)

Returns the minimal key size in bytes for specified table flags.

◆ key_mode()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR_ENUM mdbx::key_mode mdbx::map_handle::info::key_mode ( ) const

◆ length()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR size_t mdbx::slice::length ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes.

◆ lower_bound()

cursor::move_result mdbx::cursor::lower_bound ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = false )

◆ lower_bound_multivalue()

cursor::move_result mdbx::cursor::lower_bound_multivalue ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = false )

◆ make_broken()

void mdbx::txn::make_broken ( )

Marks transaction as broken to prevent further operations.

◆ make_dynamic()

env::geometry & mdbx::env::geometry::make_dynamic ( intptr_t lower = default_value,
intptr_t upper = default_value )

◆ make_fixed()

env::geometry & mdbx::env::geometry::make_fixed ( intptr_t size)

◆ map()

map_handle mdbx::cursor::map ( ) const

◆ max_map_handles()

size_t mdbx::env::limits::max_map_handles ( void )

Returns the maximum opened map handles, aka DBI-handles.

◆ max_maps()

unsigned mdbx::env::max_maps ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of named tables for the environment.

See also

◆ max_readers()

unsigned mdbx::env::max_readers ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of threads/reader slots for the environment.

See also

◆ middle()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::middle ( size_t from,
size_t n ) const

Returns the middle "n" bytes of the slice.

REQUIRES: from + n <= size()

◆ move()

bool mdbx::cursor::move ( move_operation operation,
MDBX_val * key,
MDBX_val * value,
bool throw_notfound ) const

◆ on_first()

bool mdbx::cursor::on_first ( ) const

◆ on_first_multival()

bool mdbx::cursor::on_first_multival ( ) const

◆ on_last()

bool mdbx::cursor::on_last ( ) const

◆ on_last_multival()

bool mdbx::cursor::on_last_multival ( ) const

◆ open_cursor()

cursor_managed mdbx::txn::open_cursor ( map_handle map) const

Opens cursor for specified key-value map handle.

◆ open_map() [1/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map ( const ::mdbx::slice & name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single ) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ open_map() [2/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map ( const ::std::string & name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single ) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ open_map() [3/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map ( const char * name,
const ::mdbx::key_mode key_mode = ::mdbx::key_mode::usual,
const ::mdbx::value_mode value_mode = ::mdbx::value_mode::single ) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ open_map_accede() [1/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map_accede ( const ::mdbx::slice & name) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ open_map_accede() [2/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map_accede ( const ::std::string & name) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ open_map_accede() [3/3]

mdbx::map_handle mdbx::txn::open_map_accede ( const char * name) const

Open existing key-value map.

◆ operator const MDBX_cursor *()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::cursor::operator const MDBX_cursor * ( ) const

◆ operator const MDBX_env *()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::operator const MDBX_env * ( ) const

◆ operator const MDBX_txn *()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn::operator const MDBX_txn * ( ) const

◆ operator MDBX_cursor *()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::cursor::operator MDBX_cursor * ( )

◆ operator MDBX_env *()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::env::operator MDBX_env * ( )

◆ operator MDBX_txn *()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR mdbx::txn::operator MDBX_txn * ( )

◆ operator!=() [1/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= ( const cursor & a,
const cursor & b )

◆ operator!=() [2/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= ( const env & a,
const env & b )

◆ operator!=() [3/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= ( const error & a,
const error & b )

◆ operator!=() [4/6]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

◆ operator!=() [5/6]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

◆ operator!=() [6/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator!= ( const txn & a,
const txn & b )

◆ operator<() [1/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator< ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

◆ operator<() [2/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator< ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

◆ operator<<() [1/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env::durability &  )

◆ operator<<() [2/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env::geometry &  )

◆ operator<<() [3/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env::geometry::size &  )

◆ operator<<() [4/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env::mode &  )

◆ operator<<() [5/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env::operate_options &  )

◆ operator<<() [6/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env::operate_parameters &  )

◆ operator<<() [7/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env::reclaiming_options &  )

◆ operator<<() [8/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const env_managed::create_parameters &  )

◆ operator<<() [9/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const error &  )

◆ operator<<() [10/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const MDBX_debug_flags_t &  )

◆ operator<<() [11/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const MDBX_log_level_t &  )

◆ operator<<() [12/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const pair &  )

◆ operator<<() [13/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const pair_result &  )

◆ operator<<() [14/16]

LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & ,
const slice &  )

◆ operator<<() [15/16]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
inline ::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & out,
const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & it )

◆ operator<<() [16/16]

inline ::std::ostream & mdbx::operator<< ( ::std::ostream & out,
const MDBX_error_t & errcode )

◆ operator<=() [1/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator<= ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

◆ operator<=() [2/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator<= ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

◆ operator=() [1/5]

cursor & mdbx::cursor::operator= ( cursor && other)

◆ operator=() [2/5]

env & mdbx::env::operator= ( env && other)

◆ operator=() [3/5]

slice & mdbx::slice::operator= ( ::MDBX_val && src)

◆ operator=() [4/5]

slice & mdbx::slice::operator= ( slice && src)

◆ operator=() [5/5]

txn & mdbx::txn::operator= ( txn && other)

◆ operator==() [1/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== ( const cursor & a,
const cursor & b )

◆ operator==() [2/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== ( const env & a,
const env & b )

◆ operator==() [3/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== ( const error & a,
const error & b )

◆ operator==() [4/6]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

◆ operator==() [5/6]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

◆ operator==() [6/6]

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator== ( const txn & a,
const txn & b )

◆ operator>() [1/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator> ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

◆ operator>() [2/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator> ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

◆ operator>=() [1/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator>= ( const pair & a,
const pair & b )

◆ operator>=() [2/2]

MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::operator>= ( const slice & a,
const slice & b )

◆ operator[]()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR byte mdbx::slice::operator[] ( size_t n) const

Returns the nth byte in the referenced data.

REQUIRES: n < size()

◆ options_from_flags()

env::operate_options mdbx::env::operate_parameters::options_from_flags ( MDBX_env_flags_t flags)

◆ pagesize_max()

size_t mdbx::env::limits::pagesize_max ( )

Returns the maximal database page size in bytes.

◆ pagesize_min()

size_t mdbx::env::limits::pagesize_min ( )

Returns the minimal database page size in bytes.

◆ pairsize4page_max() [1/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max ( const env & env,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for given environment and table flags.

◆ pairsize4page_max() [2/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max ( const env & env,
value_mode mode )

Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for specified page size and values mode.

◆ pairsize4page_max() [3/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for specified size and table flags.

◆ pairsize4page_max() [4/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::pairsize4page_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
value_mode mode )

Returns maximal size of key-value pair to fit in a single page for specified page size and values mode.

◆ panic_on_failure() [1/2]

void mdbx::error::panic_on_failure ( const char * context_where,
const char * func_who ) const

◆ panic_on_failure() [2/2]

void mdbx::error::panic_on_failure ( int error_code,
const char * context_where,
const char * func_who )

◆ park_reading()

void mdbx::txn::park_reading ( bool autounpark = true)

Park read-only transaction.

◆ prepare_read()

txn_managed mdbx::env::prepare_read ( ) const

Creates but not start read transaction.

◆ put() [1/4]

MDBX_error_t mdbx::cursor::put ( const slice & key,
slice * value,
MDBX_put_flags_t flags )

◆ put() [2/4]

void mdbx::cursor::put ( const slice & key,
slice value,
put_mode mode )

◆ put() [3/4]

MDBX_error_t mdbx::txn::put ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
slice * value,
MDBX_put_flags_t flags )

◆ put() [4/4]

void mdbx::txn::put ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
slice value,
put_mode mode )

◆ put_canary()

txn & mdbx::txn::put_canary ( const canary & canary)

Set integers markers (aka "canary") associated with the environment.

◆ put_multiple_samelength()

size_t mdbx::txn::put_multiple_samelength ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const size_t value_length,
const void * values_array,
size_t values_count,
put_mode mode,
bool allow_partial = false )

◆ reclaiming_from_flags()

env::reclaiming_options mdbx::env::operate_parameters::reclaiming_from_flags ( MDBX_env_flags_t flags)

◆ release_all_cursors()

size_t mdbx::txn::release_all_cursors ( bool unbind) const

Unbind or close all cursors.

◆ remove_prefix()

void mdbx::slice::remove_prefix ( size_t n)

Drops the first "n" bytes from this slice.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ remove_suffix()

void mdbx::slice::remove_suffix ( size_t n)

Drops the last "n" bytes from this slice.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ rename_map() [1/3]

void mdbx::txn::rename_map ( map_handle map,
const ::mdbx::slice & new_name )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

◆ rename_map() [2/3]

void mdbx::txn::rename_map ( map_handle map,
const ::std::string & new_name )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

◆ rename_map() [3/3]

void mdbx::txn::rename_map ( map_handle map,
const char * new_name )

Переименовывает таблицу ключ-значение.

◆ renew()

void mdbx::cursor::renew ( const ::mdbx::txn & txn)

Renew/bind a cursor with a new transaction and previously used key-value map handle.

◆ renew_reading()

void mdbx::txn::renew_reading ( )

Renew read-only transaction.

◆ replace() [1/2]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::txn::replace ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & new_value,
const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type & allocator = buffer<ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY>::allocator_type() )

Replaces and returns a value of the key with new one.

◆ replace() [2/2]

void mdbx::txn::replace ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
slice old_value,
const slice & new_value )

Replaces the particular multi-value of the key with a new value.

◆ replace_reserve()

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > mdbx::txn::replace_reserve ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
slice & new_value,
const typename buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY >::allocator_type & allocator = buffer<ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY>::allocator_type() )

◆ reset_reading()

void mdbx::txn::reset_reading ( )

Reset read-only transaction.

◆ rethrow_captured()

void mdbx::exception_thunk::rethrow_captured ( ) const

◆ safe_head()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::safe_head ( size_t n) const

Returns the first "n" bytes of the slice.

std::out_of_rangeif n >= size()

◆ safe_middle()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::safe_middle ( size_t from,
size_t n ) const

Returns the middle "n" bytes of the slice.

std::out_of_rangeif from + n >= size()

◆ safe_remove_prefix()

void mdbx::slice::safe_remove_prefix ( size_t n)

Drops the first "n" bytes from this slice.

std::out_of_rangeif n > size()

◆ safe_remove_suffix()

void mdbx::slice::safe_remove_suffix ( size_t n)

Drops the last "n" bytes from this slice.

std::out_of_rangeif n > size()

◆ safe_tail()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::safe_tail ( size_t n) const

Returns the last "n" bytes of the slice.

std::out_of_rangeif n >= size()

◆ seek()

bool mdbx::cursor::seek ( const slice & key)

◆ sequence() [1/2]

uint64_t mdbx::txn::sequence ( map_handle map) const

Reads sequence generator associated with a key-value map (aka table).

◆ sequence() [2/2]

uint64_t mdbx::txn::sequence ( map_handle map,
uint64_t increment )

Reads and increment sequence generator associated with a key-value map (aka table).

◆ set_context() [1/3]

cursor & mdbx::cursor::set_context ( void * your_context)

Sets the application context associated with the cursor.

◆ set_context() [2/3]

env & mdbx::env::set_context ( void * your_context)

Sets the application context associated with the environment.

◆ set_context() [3/3]

txn & mdbx::txn::set_context ( void * your_context)

Sets the application context associated with the transaction.

◆ set_end()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice & mdbx::slice::set_end ( const void * ptr)

Sets the length by specifying the end of the slice data.

◆ set_extra_option()

env & mdbx::env::set_extra_option ( enum env::extra_runtime_option option,
uint64_t value )

Sets the value of a extra runtime options for an environment.

◆ set_geometry()

env & mdbx::env::set_geometry ( const geometry & size)

Set all size-related parameters of environment.

◆ set_HandleSlowReaders()

env & mdbx::env::set_HandleSlowReaders ( MDBX_hsr_func * cb)

Sets a Handle-Slow-Readers callback to resolve database full/overflow issue due to a reader(s) which prevents the old data from being recycled.

Such callback will be triggered in a case where there is not enough free space in the database due to long read transaction(s) which impedes reusing the pages of an old MVCC snapshot(s).

Using this callback you can choose how to resolve the situation:

  • abort the write transaction with an error;
  • wait for the read transaction(s) to complete;
  • notify a thread performing a long-lived read transaction and wait for an effect;
  • kill the thread or whole process that performs the long-lived read transaction;
See also

◆ set_length()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice & mdbx::slice::set_length ( size_t bytes)

Set slice length.

◆ set_sync_period__seconds_16dot16()

env & mdbx::env::set_sync_period__seconds_16dot16 ( unsigned seconds_16dot16)

Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.

The relative period value affects all processes which operates with given environment until the last process close environment or a new value will be settled. Data is always written to disk when txn_managed::commit() is called, but the operating system may keep it buffered. MDBX always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless the environment was opened with whole_fragile, lazy_weak_tail or in part half_synchronous_weak_last. Settled period don't checked asynchronously, but only by the txn_managed::commit() and env::sync_to_disk() functions. Therefore, in cases where transactions are committed infrequently and/or irregularly, polling by env::poll_sync_to_disk() may be a reasonable solution to timeout enforcement.

The default is 0, than mean no any timeout checked, and no additional flush will be made.

See also
[in]seconds_16dot16The period in 1/65536 of second when a synchronous flush would be made since the last unsteady commit.

◆ set_sync_period__seconds_double()

env & mdbx::env::set_sync_period__seconds_double ( double seconds)

Sets relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.

The relative period value affects all processes which operates with given environment until the last process close environment or a new value will be settled. Data is always written to disk when txn_managed::commit() is called, but the operating system may keep it buffered. MDBX always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless the environment was opened with whole_fragile, lazy_weak_tail or in part half_synchronous_weak_last. Settled period don't checked asynchronously, but only by the txn_managed::commit() and env::sync_to_disk() functions. Therefore, in cases where transactions are committed infrequently and/or irregularly, polling by env::poll_sync_to_disk() may be a reasonable solution to timeout enforcement.

The default is 0, than mean no any timeout checked, and no additional flush will be made.

See also
[in]secondsThe period in second when a synchronous flush would be made since the last unsteady commit.

◆ set_sync_threshold()

env & mdbx::env::set_sync_threshold ( size_t bytes)

Sets threshold to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.

The threshold value affects all processes which operates with given environment until the last process close environment or a new value will be settled. Data is always written to disk when txn_managed::commit() is called, but the operating system may keep it buffered. MDBX always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless the environment was opened with whole_fragile, lazy_weak_tail or in part half_synchronous_weak_last.

The default is 0, than mean no any threshold checked, and no additional flush will be made.

See also

◆ size()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR size_t mdbx::slice::size ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes.

◆ start_read()

txn_managed mdbx::env::start_read ( ) const

Starts read (read-only) transaction.

◆ start_write() [1/2]

txn_managed mdbx::env::start_write ( bool dont_wait = false)

Starts write (read-write) transaction.

◆ start_write() [2/2]

txn_managed mdbx::env::start_write ( txn & parent)

Starts write (read-write) transaction.

◆ starts_with()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool mdbx::slice::starts_with ( const slice & prefix) const

Checks if the data starts with the given prefix.

◆ success_or_panic() [1/2]

void mdbx::error::success_or_panic ( const char * context_where,
const char * func_who ) const

◆ success_or_panic() [2/2]

void mdbx::error::success_or_panic ( int error_code,
const char * context_where,
const char * func_who )

◆ success_or_throw() [1/4]

void mdbx::error::success_or_throw ( ) const

◆ success_or_throw() [2/4]

void mdbx::error::success_or_throw ( const exception_thunk & thunk) const

◆ success_or_throw() [3/4]

void mdbx::error::success_or_throw ( int error_code,
const exception_thunk & thunk )

◆ success_or_throw() [4/4]

void mdbx::error::success_or_throw ( MDBX_error_t error_code)

◆ swap()

void mdbx::slice::swap ( slice & other)

◆ sync_period__seconds_16dot16()

unsigned mdbx::env::sync_period__seconds_16dot16 ( ) const

Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.

See also

◆ sync_period__seconds_double()

double mdbx::env::sync_period__seconds_double ( ) const

Controls interprocess/shared relative period since the last unsteady commit to force flush the data buffers to disk, if MDBX_SAFE_NOSYNC is used.

See also

◆ sync_threshold()

size_t mdbx::env::sync_threshold ( ) const

Gets threshold used to force flush the data buffers to disk, for non-sync durability modes.

The threshold value affects all processes which operates with given environment until the last process close environment or a new value will be settled. Data is always written to disk when txn_managed::commit() is called, but the operating system may keep it buffered. MDBX always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless the environment was opened with whole_fragile, lazy_weak_tail or in part half_synchronous_weak_last.

The default is 0, than mean no any threshold checked, and no additional flush will be made.

See also

◆ sync_to_disk()

bool mdbx::env::sync_to_disk ( bool force = true,
bool nonblock = false )

Flush the environment data buffers.

True if sync done or no data to sync, or false if the environment is busy by other thread or none of the thresholds are reached.

◆ tail()

MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR slice mdbx::slice::tail ( size_t n) const

Returns the last "n" bytes of the slice.

REQUIRES: n <= size()

◆ throw_exception()

void mdbx::error::throw_exception ( int error_code)

◆ throw_on_failure() [1/2]

void mdbx::error::throw_on_failure ( ) const

◆ throw_on_failure() [2/2]

void mdbx::error::throw_on_failure ( int error_code)

◆ throw_on_nullptr()

void mdbx::error::throw_on_nullptr ( const void * ptr,
MDBX_error_t error_code )

◆ to_string() [1/14]

template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > & buffer)

◆ to_string() [2/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::env::durability & value)

◆ to_string() [3/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::env::geometry & value)

◆ to_string() [4/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::env::mode & value)

◆ to_string() [5/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::env::operate_options & value)

◆ to_string() [6/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::env::operate_parameters & value)

◆ to_string() [7/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::env::reclaiming_options & value)

◆ to_string() [8/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::env_managed::create_parameters & value)

◆ to_string() [9/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::error & value)

◆ to_string() [10/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::pair & value)

◆ to_string() [11/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::mdbx::slice & value)

◆ to_string() [12/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::MDBX_debug_flags_t & value)

◆ to_string() [13/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::MDBX_error_t & errcode)

◆ to_string() [14/14]

string std::to_string ( const ::MDBX_log_level_t & value)

◆ transaction_size_max()

size_t mdbx::env::limits::transaction_size_max ( intptr_t pagesize)

Returns the maximal write transaction size (i.e. limit for summary volume of dirty pages) in bytes for specified page size.

◆ try_insert() [1/2]

value_result mdbx::cursor::try_insert ( const slice & key,
slice value )

◆ try_insert() [2/2]

value_result mdbx::txn::try_insert ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
slice value )

◆ try_insert_reserve() [1/2]

value_result mdbx::cursor::try_insert_reserve ( const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ try_insert_reserve() [2/2]

value_result mdbx::txn::try_insert_reserve ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ try_start_write()

txn_managed mdbx::env::try_start_write ( )

Tries to start write (read-write) transaction without blocking.

◆ try_update() [1/2]

bool mdbx::cursor::try_update ( const slice & key,
const slice & value )

◆ try_update() [2/2]

bool mdbx::txn::try_update ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & value )

◆ try_update_reserve() [1/2]

value_result mdbx::cursor::try_update_reserve ( const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ try_update_reserve() [2/2]

value_result mdbx::txn::try_update_reserve ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ txn() [3/3]

txn mdbx::cursor::txn ( ) const

Returns the cursor's transaction.

◆ unbind()

void mdbx::cursor::unbind ( )

Unbind cursor from a transaction.

◆ unpark_reading()

bool mdbx::txn::unpark_reading ( bool restart_if_ousted = true)

Resume parked read-only transaction.

True if transaction was restarted while restart_if_ousted=true.

◆ update() [1/2]

void mdbx::cursor::update ( const slice & key,
const slice & value )

◆ update() [2/2]

void mdbx::txn::update ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & value )

◆ update_reserve() [1/2]

slice mdbx::cursor::update_reserve ( const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ update_reserve() [2/2]

slice mdbx::txn::update_reserve ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ upper_bound()

cursor::move_result mdbx::cursor::upper_bound ( const slice & key,
bool throw_notfound = false )

◆ upper_bound_multivalue()

cursor::move_result mdbx::cursor::upper_bound_multivalue ( const slice & key,
const slice & value,
bool throw_notfound = false )

◆ upsert() [1/2]

void mdbx::cursor::upsert ( const slice & key,
const slice & value )

◆ upsert() [2/2]

void mdbx::txn::upsert ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
const slice & value )

◆ upsert_reserve() [1/2]

slice mdbx::cursor::upsert_reserve ( const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ upsert_reserve() [2/2]

slice mdbx::txn::upsert_reserve ( map_handle map,
const slice & key,
size_t value_length )

◆ valsize4page_max() [1/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max ( const env & env,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for given environment and table flags.

◆ valsize4page_max() [2/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max ( const env & env,
value_mode mode )

Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for specified page size and values mode.

◆ valsize4page_max() [3/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for specified size and table flags.

◆ valsize4page_max() [4/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::valsize4page_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
value_mode mode )

Returns maximal data size in bytes to fit in a leaf-page or single large/overflow-page for specified page size and values mode.

◆ value_max() [1/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max ( const env & env,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns the maximal value size in bytes for given environment and table flags.

◆ value_max() [2/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max ( const env & env,
value_mode mode )

Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified page size and values mode.

◆ value_max() [3/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
MDBX_db_flags_t flags )

Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified page size and table flags.

◆ value_max() [4/4]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_max ( intptr_t pagesize,
value_mode mode )

Returns the maximal value size in bytes for specified page size and values mode.

◆ value_min() [1/2]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_min ( MDBX_db_flags_t flags)

Returns the minimal values size in bytes for specified table flags.

◆ value_min() [2/2]

size_t mdbx::env::limits::value_min ( value_mode mode)

Returns the minimal values size in bytes for specified values mode.

◆ value_mode()

MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR_ENUM mdbx::value_mode mdbx::map_handle::info::value_mode ( ) const