libmdbx (2025-02-17T15:01:57+03:00)
One of the fastest compact embeddable key-value ACID storage engine without WAL.
No Matches
mdbx Namespace Reference

The libmdbx C++ API namespace. More...


namespace  allocation_aware_details


struct  bad_map_id
struct  bad_transaction
struct  bad_value_size
class  buffer
 The chunk of data stored inside the buffer or located outside it. More...
struct  buffer_pair_spec
class  cursor
 Unmanaged cursor. More...
class  cursor_managed
 Managed cursor. More...
struct  dangling_map_id
struct  db_corrupted
struct  db_full
struct  db_invalid
struct  db_too_large
struct  db_unable_extend
struct  db_version_mismatch
struct  db_wanna_write_for_recovery
struct  default_capacity_policy
struct  duplicated_lck_file
class  env
 Unmanaged database environment. More...
class  env_managed
 Managed database environment. More...
class  error
 Implements error information and throwing corresponding exceptions. More...
class  exception
 Base class for all libmdbx's exceptions that are corresponds to libmdbx errors. More...
class  exception_thunk
 Transfers C++ exceptions thru C callbacks. More...
class  fatal
 Fatal exception that lead termination anyway in dangerous unrecoverable cases. More...
struct  from_base58
 Base58 decoder which satisfy SliceTranscoder concept. More...
struct  from_base64
 Base64 decoder which satisfy SliceTranscoder concept. More...
struct  from_hex
 Hexadecimal decoder which satisfy SliceTranscoder concept. More...
struct  incompatible_operation
struct  internal_page_full
struct  internal_problem
struct  key_exists
struct  key_mismatch
struct  map_handle
 A handle for an individual table (aka key-value space, maps or sub-database) in the environment. More...
struct  max_maps_reached
struct  max_readers_reached
struct  multivalue
struct  mvcc_retarded
struct  no_data
struct  not_found
struct  operation_not_permitted
struct  pair
 Combines pair of slices for key and value to represent result of certain operations. More...
struct  pair_result
 Combines pair of slices for key and value with boolean flag to represent result of certain operations. More...
struct  permission_denied_or_not_writeable
struct  reader_slot_busy
struct  remote_media
struct  slice
 References a data located outside the slice. More...
struct  something_busy
struct  thread_mismatch
struct  to_base58
 Base58 encoder which satisfy SliceTranscoder concept. More...
struct  to_base64
 Base64 encoder which satisfy SliceTranscoder concept. More...
struct  to_hex
 Hexadecimal encoder which satisfy SliceTranscoder concept. More...
struct  transaction_full
struct  transaction_ousted
struct  transaction_overlapping
class  txn
 Unmanaged database transaction. More...
class  txn_managed
 Managed database transaction. More...
struct  value_result
 Combines data slice with boolean flag to represent result of certain operations. More...


concept  MutableByteProducer
concept  ImmutableByteProducer
concept  SliceTranscoder


using byte = char8_t
using version_info = ::MDBX_version_info
 libmdbx version information,
using build_info = ::MDBX_build_info
 libmdbx build information
using legacy_allocator = ::std::string::allocator_type
 Legacy allocator but it is recommended to use polymorphic_allocator.
using polymorphic_allocator = ::std::pmr::string::allocator_type
 Default polymorphic allocator for modern code.
using default_allocator = polymorphic_allocator
using default_buffer = buffer<default_allocator, default_capacity_policy>
 Default buffer.
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator>
using string = ::std::basic_string<char, ::std::char_traits<char>, ALLOCATOR>
 Default single-byte string.
using filehandle = ::mdbx_filehandle_t
using path = ::mdbx::filesystem::path
using duration = ::std::chrono::duration<unsigned, ::std::ratio<1, 65536>>
 Duration in 1/65536 units of second.
template<typename BUFFER>
using buffer_pair = buffer_pair_spec<typename BUFFER::allocator_type, typename BUFFER::reservation_policy>
using comparator = ::MDBX_cmp_func *


enum  loop_control { continue_loop = 0 , exit_loop = INT32_MIN }
 Loop control constants for readers enumeration functor and other cases. More...
enum class  key_mode { key_mode::usual = MDBX_DB_DEFAULTS , key_mode::reverse = MDBX_REVERSEKEY , key_mode::ordinal = MDBX_INTEGERKEY , key_mode::msgpack = -1 }
 Kinds of the keys and corresponding modes of comparing it. More...
enum class  value_mode {
  value_mode::single = MDBX_DB_DEFAULTS , value_mode::multi = MDBX_DUPSORT , value_mode::multi_reverse = MDBX_DUPSORT | MDBX_REVERSEDUP , value_mode::multi_samelength = MDBX_DUPSORT | MDBX_DUPFIXED ,
  value_mode::multi_ordinal = MDBX_DUPSORT | MDBX_DUPFIXED | MDBX_INTEGERDUP , value_mode::multi_reverse_samelength , value_mode::msgpack = -1
 Kind of the values and sorted multi-values with corresponding comparison. More...
enum  put_mode { insert_unique = MDBX_NOOVERWRITE , upsert = MDBX_UPSERT , update = MDBX_CURRENT }
 Key-value pairs put mode. More...


MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const version_infoget_version () noexcept
 Returns libmdbx version information.
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR const build_infoget_build () noexcept
 Returns libmdbx build information.
LIBMDBX_API void throw_too_small_target_buffer ()
LIBMDBX_API void throw_max_length_exceeded ()
LIBMDBX_API void throw_out_range ()
LIBMDBX_API void throw_allocators_mismatch ()
LIBMDBX_API void throw_bad_value_size ()
LIBMDBX_API void throw_incomparable_cursors ()
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, typename CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy, MutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > make_buffer (PRODUCER &producer, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR())
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, typename CAPACITY_POLICY = default_capacity_policy, ImmutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > make_buffer (const PRODUCER &producer, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR())
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, MutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
string< ALLOCATOR > make_string (PRODUCER &producer, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR())
template<class ALLOCATOR = default_allocator, ImmutableByteProducer PRODUCER>
string< ALLOCATOR > make_string (const PRODUCER &producer, const ALLOCATOR &allocator=ALLOCATOR())
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &out, const to_hex &wrapper)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &out, const to_base58 &wrapper)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &out, const to_base64 &wrapper)
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_usual (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_ordinal (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_samelength (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_reverse (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_msgpack (key_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_usual (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_multi (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_ordinal (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_samelength (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_reverse (value_mode mode) noexcept
MDBX_CXX01_CONSTEXPR_ENUM bool is_msgpack (value_mode mode) noexcept
comparator default_comparator (key_mode mode) noexcept
comparator default_comparator (value_mode mode) noexcept
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const slice &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const pair &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const pair_result &)
template<class ALLOCATOR, typename CAPACITY_POLICY>
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &out, const buffer< ALLOCATOR, CAPACITY_POLICY > &it)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::geometry::size &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::geometry &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::operate_parameters &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::mode &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::durability &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::reclaiming_options &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env::operate_options &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const env_managed::create_parameters &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const MDBX_log_level_t &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const MDBX_debug_flags_t &)
LIBMDBX_API::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &, const error &)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &out, const MDBX_error_t &errcode)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const error &a, const error &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const error &a, const error &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator< (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator> (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<= (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>= (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const slice &a, const slice &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator< (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator> (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator<= (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator>= (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_NOTHROW_PURE_FUNCTION MDBX_CXX14_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const pair &a, const pair &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const env &a, const env &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const env &a, const env &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const txn &a, const txn &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const txn &a, const txn &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator== (const cursor &a, const cursor &b)
MDBX_CXX11_CONSTEXPR bool operator!= (const cursor &a, const cursor &b)
int compare_position_nothrow (const cursor &left, const cursor &right, bool ignore_nested=false)
int compare_position (const cursor &left, const cursor &right, bool ignore_nested=false)
ptrdiff_t estimate (const cursor &from, const cursor &to)

Detailed Description

The libmdbx C++ API namespace.